Happy Birthday, Baby Boxes

Gimmick or Godsend, Baby Boxes are one year old today

A year since the first delivery

As the first Baby Box bairns celebrate their birthday this week, Scotland’s Baby Box has now been gifted to 52,065 newborns in its first year.

85% of expectant parents have taken up the opportunity to receive the Baby Box, while the latest parent survey showed 100% satisfaction.

Greater Glasgow and Clyde has received the most Baby Boxes in the past year, with 12,815 new babies being welcomed by a box, while 199 babies on the Western Isles received boxes.

The boxes have travelled far and wide, with 206 boxes travelling 400 miles from the depot in Leith to Haroldswick in Shetland.

Children and Early Years Minister Maree Todd said: “A year on from when the first Baby Boxes were delivered, we can say these boxes are having a real impact on the lives of those who receive them.

“I’ve heard stories from across the country about how the thermometers have helped parents seek appropriate medical care for their babies, how its contents are providing essential products for babies who arrive early, and much needed comfort for those who might not have family or friends around to shower the little one with gifts when they arrive.

“These boxes demonstrate that, as a society, we value each and every child in Scotland. We’ve had a very successful first year, with 85% take-up, and we want to continue to build on this as we move into year two.

“I’m delighted to have reached this milestone . It’s an honour for everyone involved – from the organisations providing the items to the box packers to the people delivering the boxes – to have been part of something that is having a real impact on the lives of babies and their carers across the country.”

Shelagh Young, Scotland Director of Home-Start UK, said: “Many parents have been telling Home-Start staff and volunteers just how much the items they receive are helping them.

“Being a parent, especially for the first time, can be overwhelming, and many of the families we work with we work with feel isolated and alone. The Baby Box gives the clear message that every child matters, and that parents are not alone.”

NHS Lothian Chief Midwife, Frances McGuire, said: “The Baby Box has been a great opportunity for our midwives and health visitors to chat to expectant parents about its contents and how they can help improve a child’s health and wellbeing.

“Not only that, but the box helps new parents at a time where they may be particularly stretched financially, and can provide crucial support.”

The boxes are a signal of the Scottish Government’s determination that every child, regardless of their circumstances, should get the best start in life.

Each box contains a large number of essential items for parents and babies, while the box itself comes with a mattress and can be used as a safe sleep space.

Research into parents’ views taken in December 2017 shows 100% are either satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of the contents.

Ninety-nine per cent of parents are also either satisfied or very satisfied with the range of items, the design of the box and delivery arrangements.

  • Contents were all very highly rated – most popular items were the bathroom/room thermometer (32% said it was most useful item), ear thermometer (22%) and sling (15%)
  • When asked spontaneously what was missing most parents (69%) could not think of any suggestions. The most common request (made by 10%) was for new-born nappies to be included
  • The most popular idea for inclusion when prompted was a second sheet for the mattress (67% said this would be very or quite useful). This has now been added into the box.
  • The majority of parents (62%) had used or planned to use the box as a bed. The main reason given for not using the box as a sleeping space was that parents had  already purchased an alternative or received one as a gift (86%)
  • Most parents had read all of the information included. The two most popular inclusions were a poem for your wee one (97% said they had read or planned to read) and information on safe sleeping (93%).


 Health Board 19/6-12/8 Cards Received Boxes Delivered
NHS Ayrshire and Arran 3551 3154
NHS Borders 1138 1033
NHS Dumfries and Galloway 1373 1241
NHS Fife 3743 3366
NHS Forth Valley 3033 2757
NHS Grampian 6712 5932
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 14581 12815
NHS Highland 2903 2556
NHS Lanarkshire 6565 5743
NHS Lothian 10231 9172
NHS Orkney 212 194
NHS Shetland 237 206
NHS Tayside 4105 3697
NHS Western Isles 224 199
Total 58608 52065

Baby Box to be placed in Museum of Childhood

Scotland’s Baby Box will be preserved in history when it is placed into the Museum of Childhood a year after it was first introduced.

52,065 babies across the country have now received a Baby Box containing essential items aimed at tackling inequality and promoting health.

The Museum of Childhood, in Edinburgh, will place the box into exhibition from next year.

Each box contains a large number of items for parents and babies, while the box itself comes with a mattress and can be used as a sleep space.

Children and Early Years Minister Maree Todd said: “I am absolutely delighted that our Baby Box will have a place preserved in history here at the Museum of Childhood.

“This box has made such a difference to people’s lives in the past year, and to know that this will now be on exhibition as a legacy of the babies of Scotland should make everyone involved in creating, packing and delivering the Baby Box very proud.

“We are committed to ensuring every baby has the best start in life, and I’ve seen over the past year the difference this box and its contents has made to the lives of babies and their parents and carers.”

Sandra Martin, History Curator for Edinburgh’s Museums and Galleries, said: “The Museum houses some extraordinary examples of childhood history from all sides of Scottish society.

“From real silver spoons, a popular gift with babies in Victorian Edinburgh, to makeshift dolls crafted with nothing more than a wooden spoon and some old cloth, by families who couldn’t afford anything more.

“The modern baby box is the great equaliser. The same gifts for baby, available to all new mothers. It’s a pleasure to welcome it into our collection.”

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