Scottish Government launches Suicide Prevention Plan

Scotland will reduce its suicide rate by 20% by 2022, Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey has said as she announced the country’s new prevention plan.

Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan sets out ten measures to continue the strong decline in the country’s rate of deaths by suicide. The plan was developed following extensive engagement with mental health and suicide prevention organisations, people affected by suicide, and academics.

To implement the plan, the Scottish Government will set up a National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSPLG) by September 2018 and support it with a new £3 million innovation fund. Former Deputy Chief Constable Rose Fitzpatrick will chair the group.

Actions in the plan inlcude:

  • creating and implementing refreshed mental health and suicide prevention training by May 2019 for Scotland’s public and private sectors. The plan requires all NHS staff to receive training
  • developing reviews of all deaths by suicide and ensuring lessons are shared with partners and acted on
  • developing innovative ways to use digital technology to prevent suicide
  • the government, NSPLG and partners co-ordinating public awareness campaigns

Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey launched the plan during a visit to the Men’s SHARE suicide prevention project in Midlothian yesterday. 

Ms Haughey said: “Every life matters and no death by suicide should be regarded as either acceptable or inevitable. Over the past decade, Scotland has made real progress in reducing deaths by suicide but we have far more to do. We want a Scotland where suicide is preventable, and where anyone contemplating suicide or who has lost a loved one gets the support they need.

“This plan sets out how the Scottish Government and our partners will achieve this and it makes clear that suicide prevention is everyone’s business. Our approach recognises the need to work together across sectors and organisations to identify and support people in distress, strengthen communities, and save lives.”

Ms Fitzpatrick said: “It is an honour to be asked to chair the new National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group.  I am deeply aware of the significance and importance of the group’s work, and confident that by working closely with a range of partners to take on the range of important actions in this national plan, we can all make a real difference.

“The plan has been developed with partners, stakeholders and people who have been directly affected by suicide. Together with all members of the leadership group, I am very grateful to those people who took the time to contribute. Your views and experiences have been vitally important, and I look forward to continuing to work with you.”

Scottish Association for Mental Health chief executive Billy Watson said: “We welcome Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action, which shows ambition and commitment to making suicide prevention a national priority. We have been encouraged by the decrease in the number of deaths by suicide in recent years, however we cannot become complacent. When someone dies by suicide, it has an impact like no other.

“We are pleased to see a number of SAMH calls have been agreed and included in the action plan, particularly a national target of 20% reduction of suicides by 2022. We look forward to playing a leading role in implementing this new action plan.”

Lee Knifton, head of Mental Health Foundation Scotland, said: “We have campaigned vigorously for the creation of a new national body to drive forward suicide prevention work. We are pleased to see it at the heart of the new action plan.

“The new leadership group can help instil new drive and ambition in tackling suicide in Scotland. We’re equally pleased our calls for mandatory training for NHS and social security staff, and trauma-informed support for bereaved families are in the plan.

“These commitments must now be turned into action. No society should tolerate the suffering and despair that leads a person to take their own life. Now is the time to make Scotland a world-leader in suicide prevention.”

Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan

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