Letters: Are you affected by high blood pressure? Respond to Scotland’s inquiry

Dear Editor

Are you living with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, or do you care for someone who is? Are you a health professional working in this field? If so, The Cross-Party Group (CPG) on Heart Disease and Stroke in the Scottish Parliament wants to hear from you.

The CPG is holding an inquiry into the prevention, detection, treatment and management of high blood pressure in Scotland.

The inquiry will gather information from people living with high blood pressure, those who care for someone with the condition, and clinicians and organisations with an interest in high blood pressure services.

A report of the findings will be published in January 2019 and will make clear recommendations to the Scottish Government.

If you live in Scotland and have ever been told that you have high blood pressure (even if you don’t need to take medication to manage this) you can share your views through answering the questions in the survey at bhf.org.uk/hbpinquiry

You can also share your views there if you are a clinician or work for an organisation with an interest in hypertension services in Scotland.

Yours sincerely,

Kylie Strachan

Senior Policy and Public Affairs Officer

British Heart Foundation Scotland

The Cube

43a Leith Street

Edinburgh EH1 3AT


Colin Oliver

Public Affairs Officer

The Stroke Association

Links House

15 Links Place




Katherine Byrne

Policy Manager

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Rosebery House

9 Haymarket Terrace

EH12 5EZ

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