Holyrood’s Education & Skills Committee is coming to Muirhouse

Community Event 16 May:

Attainment/Achievement of children and young people experiencing poverty

The Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee is meeting at Muirhouse Millennium Centre at 6 pm on Wednesday 16th May.  The committee are very keen to hear directly from parents/carers/guardians, young people, teachers, and other professionals who work with young people in schools and in the community with a focus on attainment or achievement.

To book a place please email es.submissions@parliament.scot


The Committee is very keen to hear directly from parents/carers/guardians, young people, teachers, and other professionals who work with young people in schools and in the community with a focus on attainment or acheivement.  The Committee will be holding an event in north Edinburgh and it is a chance for people who have lived experience of poverty and the professionals who support those families and young people to have their say.

Date: Wednesday 16 May 2018

Time:    6.00pm – 7.30pm

Location: Muirhouse Millenium Centre

How to book your place(s)

If you or someone you work with would like to attend, please email me on es.submissions@parliament.scot as soon as you can.  Spaces are limited, but we will do our best to accommodate everyone.

If you are from a membership or network organisation, please pass on this email to your members and through your networks. I would be very grateful.

What sort of thing will the Committee want to discuss?

The Committee wants to look at what is happening inside and outside school to support school children experiencing poverty. What work helps them and what the barriers are to this work succeeding. We also want to find out what support is not working and why. The Committee will explore further the questions it asked in its call for evidence.

These questions can be found here:http://www.parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/108326.aspx

Broadly speaking there were four themes to these questions:

  • The support available for families and young people experiencing poverty to help those children to achieve and attain at school.
  • The impact of the support available and what works well and what doesn’t.
  • The barriers to success.
  • What more could be done to support young people from families that experience poverty to do well at school.


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