Saturday 10 March 8pm – 00.30am
Heriot’s Rugy Club, Warriston Gardens

We are holding a ‘Soul Night’ for LifeCare. Get your dancing shoes on and forget your troubles by dancing to Marvin Gaye, Jackie Wilson, the Isley brother, Gloria Jones to name a few.
Ticket Price: £12. Available here at LifeCare (pop in or phone to pay by card) or from Eventbrite
Where: Heriot’s Rugby Club, Goldenacre, Warriston Gardens entrance, EH3 5QN
When: Saturday 10th March from 20:00pm to 00:30am
There is a fully licensed bar.
Over 18s only
There will be a raffle on the night with fabulous prizes.
All proceeds go towards supporting people in Edinburgh with expert dementia care.