Tea for two (groups)

Graeme can be contacted on 77516 71005 or 0131 30 10554 for all occasions with Senior Citizens a speciality.Graeme thanks from the ladies for a great day.
Shoogalie Road Productions: The life and songs of “Judy Garland”
Yesterday saw the return of Shoogalie Road Productions at the Centre for “The Loose Women”.
The performance was based on the life and songs of Judy Garland (Ethel Milne Gumm) performed by Emma Conway. Songs included “Zing went the strings of my heart“, “You made me love you”, songs from the “Wizard of Oz “Somewhere over the rainbow”, “Good Morning, Good Morning”, “I got Rhythm “, “Clang, Clang went the trolley” and many more
The story telling of Judy’s life between songs made this a very creditable and enjoyable performance by Emma.