Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre community garden

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust’s Growing Communities for Health small grants scheme has provided funding to a number of community garden projects.

One of the successful applications is in the grounds of Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre for the purchase of a steel fruit cage to go over their existing planter to stop wild life destroying the berries close to harvest time. The berries are harvested and processed in-house to make jam which is distributed to volunteers and to older member users of the centre. By protecting the crop it will increase the harvested yield.

There are a number of benefits of this type of project including how they can learn to work together. They will also be involved in physical exercise by erecting the cage, getting out into the fresh air, learning a new skill, learning more about food growing and what goes into the making of a product from locally grown produce.

Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre is on the look out for new volunteers, so if you’re interested please contact northedinburghgrows@gmail.com

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