Seafood Week: Fish Art!


Seafood has taken over the country… quite literally!

To celebrate Seafood Week 2016 [October 7 to 14] Seafish, the UK industry authority on seafood has partnered with Food is Art to create pukka portraits of some of the country’s most famous landmarks. From the Fish Rail Bridge to the White Cliffs of Dover Sole and the Giant’s Codway, you certainly won’t look at these “plaices” in the same way again…!

Made out of salubrious species including mackerel, mussels and sprats these seafood sights are truly a feast for the eyes!

Heather Middleton from Seafish said: “We’re so impressed with our fish inspired landmarks, we actually did a double take to check that they weren’t the real thing. Seafood Week is all about having fun and enjoying more seafood, more often, and we hope people across the country will love our aquatic art as much as we do!

“If our fish-tastic works of art get your tummy rumbling, make sure to check out scrumptious recipes you can create at home by visiting Fish is the Dish online.”

Seafood Week started with a splash yesterday as the twitterverse mades waves during the second annual #fishpunday.  Users were challenged to a ‘pun off’, where fish fans turn their favourite celebrities, musicians, films or famous lines into something truly spectacular to share with friends.

Over the course of the week, Seafish is calling on the public to explore the wonderful variety of species available in the UK, showing that no matter the budget, time or location, seafood is always a healthy, delicious and simple option.

For recipe ideas check out Fish is the Dish:
To find out more information about Seafood Week 2016, visit the official website here:


1) White cliffs of Dover sole:

A selection of cooked white fish such as cod, dover sole, pollock and haddock, for the cliffs and a mushy pea landscape, breadcrumb beach and white fish flakes as waves.

2) Giant’s Codway:

A selection of cooked fish cakes made with cod and haddock, with curly parsley and dill “seaweed”.  Mussel shells and oysters as rocks with curly kale as the green landmass in the distance.  

3) Isle of Wight Needles:

Made with fresh cod loin fillets as the needles, surrounded by sprats, the cliffs made with fresh cod loin and mushy peas. The lighthouse is made with fresh seafood sticks and a lemon as the light, set on the sea with a lemon sunrise.

4) Edinburgh Castle:

Castle made with cooked fish fingers and marinated anchovies roof, set on top of the craggy rock made from cooked mackerel fillets, cooked king prawns, whole cooked crab, cooked mussels and cockles in shells, cooked breaded plaice pieces, dressed with fresh purple broccoli, green broccoli, potatoes, kale, chard and parsley.

5) Fish falls:

Streaming waterfalls made from whole sea bass, whole sardines, whole mackerel, whole sprats and mussels as the rocks, with gushing water falls made from fresh cod and haddock and ice. The setting of green is created from chard, kale, parsley, cabbage, broccoli and cavolo nero.

6) Fish Rail Bridge:

The iconic diamond shapes of this bridge have been created by using whole sea bream, with carrot pillars and fresh mussels, set on water to create reflections like the real bridge does, set with a kale landmass in the distance and mussel rocks in the foreground.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer