Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets on Wednesday

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership Public Meeting is on Wednesday 31 August at 7pm in The Church Hall, Granton Baptist Church, 99 Crewe Road North. Please see below for further details: 

 granton marina

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership

Public Meeting

At 7pm on Wednesday 31st August 2016

Granton Baptist Church

99 Crewe Road North

Come along and hear about: 

Potential changes to flight paths at Edinburgh Airport 

Improvements at West Pilton Park 

Progress on the move to Locality Working by City of Edinburgh Council and Partners – and what this means for residents of North Edinburgh 

Progress on the Regeneration of North Edinburgh 

There will also be a short period during the meeting for Neighbourhood Partnership business. For further information contact Jim Pattison, 529 5082 –

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