Dear Editor
We are asked by the new leaders of the Conservative government to accept as genuine that there will be a change in attitude towards people and that they will pursue policies fair to all.
We have to remember they are politically commited to maintaining the system of capitalism. The system where very wealthy financial institutions have the power to invest depending on the amount of profit to be made – if not enough, they will have no hesitation in moving to where it can, anywhere worldwide. In doing so, the issue of jobs, poverty or family life does not concern them, so the potential contradiction between words and deeds of the political supporters of the system arise.
As the last six years have shown, despite any feelings of sorrow expressed they will always pass the cost of a slump onto the people in widespread cuts across all aspects of life.
Their determination to maintain a system that creates such devastation to peoples’ lives worldwide is matched by an equal determination by many others to replace it with a more just, fair and workable system of socialism, where the results of people’s work will be used to benefit all, not just the few.
History shows that systems have always changed when circumstances made it necessary and able to do so, from slavery to serfdom to feudalism to capitalism. It will change again because peoples’ circumstances will make it.
A. Delahoy, Silverknowes Gardens