Fracking: Another day, another moratorium

‘We’re watching you frackers’: Campaigners vow to keep up the pressure

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The Scottish Government has put in place a moratorium on underground coal gasification (UCG) in Scotland. Campaigners have welcomed the announcement but are urging members of the public to make their voices heard in a new consultation.

Organisers also confirmed that an an anti-tracking publicity event, which is expected to attract hundreds of protesters, will go ahead on Sunday.

Yesterday’s announcement is separate to the existing moratorium on onshore unconventional oil and gas, including hydraulic fracturing – and comes as ministers have also informed Parliament that the Government will carry out a thorough and wide-ranging research process into the potential impacts of such onshore techniques.

The moratorium on onshore unconventional oil and gas was announced by the Energy Minster Fergus Ewing in January, when he set out plans for a full public consultation and outlined a programme of research work including:

  • a full public health impact assessment
  • further work to strengthen planning guidance
  • further tightening of environmental regulation.

Since then the Government has undertaken a series of meetings with the key stakeholder groups including environmental NGOs, industry, local government and community organisations. Those meetings have helped inform the government’s decision to extend the planned work which will also now also include:

  • transport impacts research,
  • seismic monitoring research,
  • consideration of decommissioning and aftercare,
  • climate change impacts research,
  • and economic impacts research.

This work comes further to an independent Scientific Panel report on unconventional oil and gas which has already been undertaken.

Ministers published the planned research and public consultation timetable yesterday and confirmed that the public consultation will begin once the research process has been finalised and the results published. This will give the public a chance to study the research reports before taking part in the public consultation. The detailed evidence-gathering phase will take place between now and next summer, with the consultation phase, covering engagement, public consultation and analysis, due to conclude in spring 2017.

In line with the cautious, evidence-based approach adopted by the Scottish Government, a separate moratorium on Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) will allow the necessary time for full and careful consideration of the potential impacts of this new technology.

Ministers have been clear that these are two separate technologies, subject to different licensing regimes, and hence will be considered separately.

The Scottish Government has appointed Professor Campbell Gemmell, former CEO of SEPA, to lead an independent examination of the issues and evidence surrounding UCG. This will include working closely with communities and stakeholders to understand the issues of most concern to them.

Mr Ewing said: “The studies announced today constitute an extremely thorough and wide-ranging examination of the potential impacts of unconventional oil and gas and underlines the Scottish Government policy of taking a precautionary, robust and evidence-based approach to this technology in stark contrast to the gung-ho approach of the UK Government.

“Ministers have held meetings with representatives of environmental non-governmental organisations, community groups, industry bodies and local government. Those meetings have helped us to prepare for the research and public consultation processes. As a result, we have planned a robust and thorough research process and a wide-ranging and participative consultation process.

“The public will understandably wish to study the outcome of the research process and thus the public consultation will not begin until the findings of the research process have been published.

“Scotland’s moratorium into onshore unconventional oil and gas extraction was welcomed by both environmental campaigners and industry representatives. It will remain in place as the research and public consultation is undertaken.

“We should never close our minds to the potential opportunities for Scotland from new energy technologies – but we must also ensure that community, environmental and health concerns are all fully taken account of. The research we propose in this timetable will give all interested stakeholders important information to allow a more informed debate during the public consultation.

“In line with our evidence-led approach we are today also putting in place a moratorium on the onshore planning of underground coal gasification developments to allow time for full and careful consideration of the potential impacts of this technology for Scotland.”

In line with the Government’s evidence-led approach, boreholes relating to unconventional oil & gas will only be permitted when research and geoscience is the key driver and where they are delivered in collaboration with an independent research body, such as the British Geological Survey, or academic institution, and for the purposes of furthering the evidence base on unconventional oil and gas.

Any proposed boreholes would also have to gain planning permission, environmental and health and safety consents before they are allowed.


Environmental groups have welcomed the announcement but warn that they will keep up the pressure to ensure Scotland remains free from fracking.

Mary Church, Head of Campaigns at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “Well done to Fergus Ewing for announcing this important new moratorium. Underground coal gasification is a risky and experimental technique, with a very chequered history around the world. This industry clearly deserves the same public scrutiny as shale gas fracking and coal bed methane.”

She added: “We warmly welcome the Scottish Government’s detailed timetable for action, and the extended research remit announced today. This framework for reviewing shale gas fracking and coalbed methane looks like a well designed process, over a sensible timescale. The experience from the growing number of states and regions around the world with bans and moratoriums is clear that undertaking a thorough review of unconventional gas cannot be rushed.

“We strongly urge individuals and communities to fully engage with this process and make their opposition to this dirty industry clear. All too often the millions spent on PR by big corporations can crowd out the voices of affected communities and those speaking up for the environment and public health when it comes to important policy or decisions like this. INEOS and others have big budgets at their disposal to get their points across. It is vital that people the length and breadth of Scotland who don’t want to see the central belt wrecked by the fossil fuel industry make their voice count in this review.

“There is a growing body of evidence from around the world that fracking for shale gas, extracting coal-bed methane and the underground coal gasification process poses unacceptable risks for human health and the environment. In December 2014 New York State joined a number of countries and regions in deciding to banning fracking after undertaking a two-year assessment on the impacts of fracking on human health and the environment.

“We are particularly glad that climate change impacts are to be the subject of detailed study. In the context of our international obligations to cut emissions it would be completely irresponsible for a hydrocarbon-rich nation like Scotland to open up a new frontier of fossil fuels, further exacerbating the climate crisis.

“We are confident that when the evidence is independently assessed and the Scottish public have had a chance to voice their concerns, this consultation will lead to a full ban on unconventional gas and fracking.”

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The Our Forth campaign group has also welcomed the announcement – but their protest event on the Forth Bridge this Sunday will go ahead as planned. 

A spokesperson said: “Our Forth warmly welcome the Scottish’s Government’s announcement today of a Moratorium on Underground Coal Gasification.

“We urge people all over Scotland to take heart from this development and add their voices to the call for a complete ban on all unconventional gas in Scotland by joining hands with other Scottish communities on Sunday 11 October at 2pm on the Forth Road Bridge.

“We are pleased to see that the Scottish Government is listening to community concerns and we will continue our campaign to encourage the public to research the mounting evidence from across the world that shows fracking for shale gas, extracting coal-bed methane and the underground coal gasification process poses unacceptable risks for human health and the environment.

“These moratoria present communities with an opportunity to inform each other and drown out the PR machines of these damaging industries. It is vital that people the length and breadth of Scotland who don’t want to see the central belt wrecked by the fossil fuel industry make their voice count in the public consultation that’s also been announced today.”


Summary of work and timetable
Task Date
Public Health Impact Assessment (Health Protection Scotland) Autumn 2015 – Summer 2016
– Stakeholder workshops Autumn/Winter 2015
– Peer review Spring/Summer 2016
– Publish Final Report Summer 2016
Research project 1 – Transport impacts Autumn 2015 – Summer 2016
– Open and competitive tender Autumn/Winter 2015
– Appoint contractor Winter 2015/16
– Stakeholder workshops Winter 2015/16
Publish Final Report Summer 2016
Research project 2 – Decommissioning and aftercare Autumn 2015 – Summer 2016
– Open and competitive tender Autumn/Winter 2015
– Appoint contractor Winter 2015/16
– Stakeholder workshops Winter 2015/16
Publish Final Report Summer 2016
Research project 3 – Seismic activity and monitoring Autumn 2015 – Summer 2016
– Open and competitive tender Autumn/Winter 2015
– Appoint contractor Winter 2015/16
– Stakeholder workshops Winter 2015/16
Publish Final Report Summer 2016
Research project 4 – Economic Impacts Winter 2015/16 – Summer 2016
Research Project 5 – Climate Change Impacts Winter 2015/16 – Summer 2016
Regulation and Planning
Workshops and Engagement Winter 2015/16 – Summer 2016
Report on Findings Autumn 2016
Pre-consultation engagement (including stakeholder forums, and public engagement) Winter 2015/16 – Autumn 2016
4 month Public Consultation Winter 2016/17
Consultation Analysis Spring 2017
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