All change at the head of troubled charity

Scottish charity KiltWalk has replaced its entire board of trustees following concerns over the amount of money it is giving to charitable causes.
Earlier this year four charities – CLIC Sargent, Cash for Kids, Aberlour and Edinburgh’s Sick Kids Friends Foundation – withdrew as official partners, some expressing concern over the amount of money reaching them from the Kiltwalk.
Kiltwalk, which was launched in 2011, stages sponsored walks across Scotland to raise money for leading children’s charities, and last year more than 12,000 people took part in KiltWalk organised events. However it’s most recent accounts (2013) showed more was spent on costs than went to charitable causes.
Kiltwalk chairman Michael Ure said the charity incurred additional costs because of a restructure of the organisation, but he and the other trustees have now stood down and a new board will be appointed to take KiltWalk forward.
KiltWalk’s most recent accounts show that, from an income of over £1.6m, £780,000 was spent on running costs – more than the £776,000 which went to charities.

Hundreds of people took part in Edinburgh’s KiltWalk on 3 May. Walkers were advised on the charity’s website:
‘The Kiltwalk exists for one purpose only – to raise money for Scotland’s children’s charities, causes and schools. So while you might also be taking part to get fit, for the challenge or just to have fun, we would ask to set yourself a personal fundraising target of £200 for Scotland’s children.
IMPORTANT – please send your sponsorship directly to The Kiltwalk and NOT to our charity partners or your nominated team cause. We’ll award them a grant.
We would like you to set yourself a target of:
26 and 13/16 miles walkers – £200
Wee Walk – Adult – £100,
Wee Walk – Child (Under 16s) – £50
Wee Walk – Families (A family of four) – £200 combined
Registration Fees:
26 and 13 miles walkers – £25
Wee Walk – Adult £10, Under 16s £5
£25 goes towards the cost of the marquees, stages, red cross, security, toilets, refreshments, signage and many, many other costs on the day.
You also get your Kiltwalk t-shirt, goodie bag and medal, and at £25 we are still priced well below similar events across Scotland.’
Further KiltWalk events are planned for Perth and Speyside in August and Dundee on 20 September, with Platinum and Gold packages on offer on the charity’s website.