Holyrood committee to study impact of welfare reforms on women

Women urged to share their experiences of welfare reform 


The impact of recent welfare reforms on women in Scotland will be the focus of a new inquiry by the Scottish Parliament’s Welfare Reform Committee.

Evidence seen by MSPs has suggested that women are being disproportionately affected and research recently published by the Committee highlighted that lone parents have been severely impacted upon. The Committee has now launched a call for views and is asking how welfare changes have affected women.

Committee Convener Michael McMahon MSP explained: “Previous research conducted for the Committee has shown a significant impact on lone parents. That suggests there is likely to be a wider impact on large numbers of women, a view put forward by Professor Steve Fothergill at our meeting this week.

“Our Committee has put personal experiences at the heart of our work. This inquiry will be no different and we would like to hear from people across Scotland on how welfare changes have impacted their life.” 

Deputy Convener, Clare Adamson MSP added: “Our Committee has previously revealed the devastating impact of welfare reform on Scotland’s communities.

“The Committee has already heard first-hand testimony from women in Scotland on the challenges faced by many in light of the UK Government’s welfare reforms. We know there are many other women out there with experiences to share and I would encourage them to get in touch with us.”

The Committee would also like submissions to address the following questions: 

  • What is your (or your clients) experience of being on benefits or employment support?
  • How has your (or your clients) experience with the benefit system changed in recent years since the introduction of the welfare reforms?
  • Are there any challenges involved in being in receipt of your (your clients) particular benefits?
  • What would be your priorities for change when certain benefits / elements of employment support come to Scotland?
  • Do you have any suggestions of practical improvements that you would like to see when certain benefits / elements of employment support are under Scottish control?


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