NEN Blog upgrade

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As you may know we are currently modernising NEN’s online presence. Part of that process is to upgrade to this WordPress blog, and today some essential work will be taking place to make that happen.

This will mean that no updates will be posted on the NEN blog for the next 24 hours or so: do keep checking back, though – we don’t plan to be away for too long!

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer

2 thoughts on “NEN Blog upgrade”

  1. Hardly anyone engages with this blog. I think you would be better either moving entirely to your Facebook site or at least copying your articles from here on to the Facebook site. I thought about asking you if you wanted someone to put the articles there. You could make me an Admin. I’d just copy think to the stories from here and paste them to the FB site. Get people engaging with and talking about the news. You put so much work into the Blog you need a bigger audience.

    1. Hi Robert

      Thanks for your comments. There is an ongoing issue with the Facebook page but you’ll have seen on the blog that we are upgrading our online presence, including a new interactive website, even as we speak! Hopefully this will encourage more participation – fingers crossed!!

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