Hat’s the way to support older people!

The Big Knit 2014: It’s the final countdown!

Big KnitThere are just three weeks remaining to help Age Scotland create as many little woolly hats as possible for Age UK and innocent’s Big Knit 2014 and to help older people stay warm and well in the winter.

For over a decade, budding milliners across the UK have been supporting Age Scotland and innocent’s Big Knit by knitting funky little hats as part of Age Scotland’s Spread the Warmth campaign. With over a decade of support from knitters up and down the country, The Big Knit has raised vital funds to support local and national winter projects to help older people keep warm in winter.

Knitters in Scotland are being called upon to create little hats to adorn innocent smoothie bottles, which will be sold in stores nationwide from February 2015. For each be-hatted smoothie sold, innocent will donate 25p to help Age Scotland fund national and local winter projects. Age Scotland is calling on local knitters to get as many hats as possible to them by 6th November 2014

Last year alone, more than a million hats were lovingly created by knitters up and down the UK, with designs including a giant squid, fruit, soldiers, peas in a pod, cupcakes and an ice cream cone topped with a classic flake.

Alisdair Caulfield, Fundraising Manager at Age Scotland said: “There’s just four weeks left to send us your hats for Age UK and innocent’s The Big Knit and we’re calling on all local knitters to get crafting! We’re extremely grateful for all the hats we’ve received already, which will raise money to help older people in local communities across Scotland.”

Jamie Sterry, innocent drinks, said: “Thanks to everyone who has got involved in The Big Knit so far but with just one month to go, we’re calling on all knitters and those wanting to give it a try to join in too! Each little hat that adorns an innocent smoothie bottle will raise money for Age UK to help older people stay warm in winter, so your support will make a difference.”

Knitters can contact Age Scotland to get a free hat pattern. For those who don’t fancy making a hat themselves, a £3 donation can be made to Age Scotland by texting ’KNIT14’ £3 to 70070.

For more information on The Big Knit contact Age Scotland on 0845 833 0200 or log onto www.agescotland.org.uk. Please send completed hats to Age Scotland at The Big Knit, Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh, EH9 1PR


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