Good news from Muirhouse Community Centre

Muirhouse Community Centre goes from strength to strength


Once again it has been a busy time for this popular Centre and I have to congratulate the Board, staff and the many volunteers who make the Centre the popular and friendly place it is. 

With record numbers using the facilities for meetings, clubs, keep fit and socialising in the café not to mention all the parties, organised events and being used as a polling station for the Independence Referendum it is thanks to the staff and volunteers that the Centre is able to offer the variety of events and programmes.

So far, from October last year to the end of August, the total number of people who have used the Centre is 17,235 and we are on course for another record breaking year!

This shows that this Centre is the busiest in North Edinburgh and the numbers will only increase with the additional new housing coming online (both now and in the future) from Muirhouse Housing Association and the Council.

With more and more people using the Centre on a daily basis the Board, staff and volunteers are committed to providing the best service possible for our community and beyond.   To do this we have produced an Autumn Programme of activities, continuing to build on the Centre’s many successful achievements and working to complete the aims of the Business Plan within the planned timescales.

We continue to work in close partnership with other groups and organisations (and entering into new partnerships) that will ensure the sustainability of the services and the maintenance of the building for future generations and they continue to look forward and strive to plan future activities, programming and events which take into account the needs and aspirations of the community they serve.

So I would like to thank publicly the staff and volunteers who put so much of their time, loyalty and commitment into making Muirhouse Community Centre a great place to be part of.


John Davidson (Chairperson)

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