Police investigate robbery at local tanning salon

Police are investigating following a robbery at a Granton tanning salon last night. The incident happened around 6.15pm at Tanz tanning studio on Granton Road.

A male entered the property and threatened the female member of staff before making off towards Boswell Green with a three-figure sum of cash.

The suspect is described as white European, British accent, early 20s, slim build, 6ft 4in tall, large nose, wearing a black jacket possibly with a North Face logo on it, black Nike tracksuit bottoms, dark trainers with white soles, black beanie hat, black scarf pulled up over bottom half of face and black goves.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “This robbery left the member of staff who was working in the salon at the time feeling anxious and frightened. Anyone with information that can help trace the suspect is asked to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with any information should contact police on 101 or through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Time’s running out for budget comments

CityChambersEdinburgh residents have only TEN DAYS to submit their views on the Council’s draft budget for 2014/15 – the consultation period closes on Friday 20 December.

Councillor Alasdair Rankin, the city’s Finance Convener is urging  Edinburgh folk to make sure they don’t miss the opportunity to give their feedback on the proposals.

He said: “In my opinion, setting the Council’s budget is the single most important thing we do each year. Every other service the Council provides follows on from this key decision and it has the potential to impact on many lives across the city.

“That is why it is so important that people take some time to look at the proposals and have their say on how we are planning to spend money next year. As elected representatives of the city our priorities should of course reflect the priorities of our residents but we need people to give us that important feedback.”

The full budget proposals can be accessed at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/budget

Feedback can be given in a number of ways:

– fill in the simple online feedback form

– email councilbudget@edinburgh.gov.uk

– Write to Freepost, RSJC-SLXC-YTJY, Budget, Council Leader, City Chambers Edinburgh EH1 1YJ

– talk to a local councillor.

– tweet using #edinbudget

– comment on Facebook

Repeat prescriptions? Plan ahead!

Scots urged to plan ahead for repeat prescriptions at Christmas time

With Christmas only a matter of weeks away, people in Lothian are being urged to plan ahead for repeat prescriptions as part of a major health campaign.

The NHS Scotland Be Ready for Winter campaign is reminding people to make sure they check any repeat prescriptions they need for themselves and those they look after ahead of time this festive period.

As well as making sure their medicine cabinets are re-stocked with commonly used remedies for minor illnesses, people are being urged to organise any required repeat prescription as soon as possible.

Dr John McAnaw, Head of Pharmacy at NHS 24, said it is important for people taking regular medication to make sure they have enough supplies to last them through to the New Year. He said: “At this time of year, with only a couple of weeks left until Christmas, people will be focused on getting organised to make sure they can make the most of the holiday period. It is important not to forget about putting winter health necessities on your ‘to do’ list.

“It also only takes a few minutes to collect some over-the-counter remedies for winter ailments. If you take regular medications, please ensure you check you have enough left to cover the holiday period. It’s also important not to over order, so only request what you need, and make sure you don’t run out of anything during that time.”

This year, GP surgeries will be closed for two days: Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th December. 

The Co-operative Pharmacy is supporting the campaign. Nisith Nathwani, Regional Development Manager for The Co-operative Pharmacy and General Council Member for Community Pharmacy Scotland, said: “We are very pleased to support NHS Scotland’s Be Ready for Winter campaign and our Co-operative Pharmacy branches up and down the country will be on hand to offer health advice and winter remedies to our local communities throughout the winter. Our pharmacists are trained to offer health and medication advice and should be the first port of call throughout the winter months.”

It is important to get prescriptions ordered and collected as early as possible, with the last day for re-ordering any repeat prescription being Thursday 19th December to be sure of getting it before Christmas. 

General advice and information on how to stay healthy this winter can be found atwww.nhsinform.co.uk/winter

or contact NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88.

The four key steps that Be Ready for Winter is recommending everyone take in preparation for their health this winter are:

Restock your winter medicine cabinet

Many children and adults pick up common winter ailments such as a cold or flu-like illness. These can often be effectively treated at home with readily available medicine. Parents are reminded to restock their medicine cabinet with remedies suitable for children.

Use your local pharmacy

Your local pharmacy is an accessible resource for you and your family. Your pharmacist can offer advice or help if you have run out of any prescribed medication. You can also collect medicine for minor ailments or illnesses.

Make sure you have repeat prescriptions.

If you or someone you care for needs to re-order a medicine they regularly take, make sure you order and collect the repeat prescriptions in good time to ensure you or your family have enough medicine to last over the Christmas holiday period. Remember, only order what you need.

Know when your GP surgery will be open

Your local doctor’s surgery will be open on Tuesday 24th December then closed on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th December.

Medicine cabinet

Scotland’s Future: Cabinet to answer questions at EICC event

Over 300 people from organisations across civic Scotland will meet in Edinburgh today to put questions to the Cabinet about Scotland’s Future.

The Scottish Government has invited hundreds of people – from large and small businesses, trade unions, the voluntary and public sector, charities and other Scottish organisations to the event at the EICC.

The Scottish Government says it wants to provide as much information as possible to allow people in Scotland to make an informed choice in next year’s referendum.  This event will see Cabinet ministers answer any questions Scotland’s key organisations might have about the detail in Scotland’s Future, and any issues they would like more information on.

The event will also be broadcast live online so anyone can watch.

Speaking yesterday, First Minister Alex Salmond said: “The publication of Scotland’s Future marks a significant moment in the referendum campaign as we set out a detailed prospectus for an independent Scotland, providing answers to the host of reasonable questions people have about the what a vote for independence will mean and the opportunities that will flow from that.

“We have a responsibility to provide as much information as possible to the people who will cast their vote in the referendum, allowing them to make an informed choice about the future of their country. This major event, bringing together representatives of Scotland’s key trade union, business, voluntary and public sector bodies, presents an ideal opportunity to do exactly that and my Cabinet colleagues and I are thoroughly looking forward to it.”Edinburgh-001


A nation divided …

… and it’s nothing to do with the Referendum!


With Christmas just around the corner new research from Clydesdale Bank has shown that the nation is divided over the very thing that makes Christmas sparkle – this country’s love affair with outdoor festive lights!

Almost half of us (47%) said we love seeing lots of brightly lit Santas, snowmen and reindeers outside of houses at this time of year. However, almost a third have a more ‘bah humbug’ approach to lighting up the festive season.

The survey revealed that 14% of us think they are a waste of money and a further 11% actually wishing their neighbours wouldn’t decorate the outside of their homes. Nearly one in ten (8%) of those surveyed said they simply don’t like Christmas decorations while a sixth (15%) said they would like to put lights outside their home but the cost of powering them puts them off.

But despite mixed views the majority of the nation is getting into the festive spirit with 57% of us saying we are looking forward to spending time with family and friends.

However this time of year is also proving to be stressful for some with almost a fifth of those surveyed admitting that they are worried about paying for Christmas and a further 19% stating that Christmas shopping is their least favourite part of the build-up to the big day.

Andrew Pearce, Retail Director for Clydesdale Bank, said: “Our research has shown that people either love or loathe outdoor Christmas lights.  Some view them as extravagant and an unnecessary waste of money and electricity whilst others enjoy the Christmas atmosphere they bring to the community.

“Whatever decorations you opt for this year, it’s still possible to have fun this festive season without blowing the budget.”

Clydesdale Bank’s simple tips to save money this Christmas:

  1. Set a budget – and stick to it. Work out how much you can afford to spend and don’t exceed this amount.
  2. Remember the most expensive present is not necessarily the best. Sometimes a more thoughtful, personal gift can be more appreciated. For example, new parents may prefer the offer of babysitting rather than more perfume or aftershave.
  3. Shop about – when you have decided what you want to buy, look for the best bargain. Many shops have sales in the run-up to Christmas, so pick your purchasing timing wisely.
  4. Group together – rather than buying gifts for every one of your friends individually, why not hold a secret Santa where each person buys for just one friend?
  5. Have a family feast – ask your guests to bring a course or some goodies with them so you don’t have sole responsibility for Christmas dinner. It could simply be bringing the wine or the Christmas crackers but will help you share the expense.

What’s your view – tacky or terrific? Let us kno-ho-ho!



Cut the cost of Christmas at Give and Take Day

Try swapping, not buying this Christmas!

Give and Take Day

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Saturday 14th December 10am – 1pm 

North Edinburgh Timebank and the Women’s International Group are organising a big community swap day.

If you have clothes or toys you no longer need, bring them along and swap them for other ones.

Following the success of the Give and Take Day in the summer, we’re having another one! North Edinburgh Timebank’s Julie Smith said:  “It’s a simple idea and really effective. It’s a way of local people supporting each other in a practical way. No-one has a lot of cash, this way we can all share things we have we don’t want, but might be of use to other folk.”

You turn up, hand over what you don’t want, get a ticket and you can exchange that for something you do want. Adult’s clothes, children’s clothes and toys – as long as they’re in good condition, bring them along.

There will be a bouncy castle, tombola stall and refreshments.

For more information, contact Julie on 07807002591.

give and take