Community Council will challenge Marine Drive development

Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council will object to plans to develop the former Civil Service Playing Fields at Marine Drive. The playing fields, now managed by Edinburgh’s Telford College, have been earmarked for a World of Football sport and leisure complex but the local community council will not be supporting the initiative.

A local resident has written to the community council expressing concerns over the development. He says: ‘Some years ago there were plans to build the new Craigroyston High School on the Green Belt; the community successfully resisted and rejected the proposal. This new proposal, which is no doubt controversial but no more so than building a school, has as far as is known been agreed in a deal between World of Football and Telford College. The chipping away of open spaces, particularly the Green Belt, has to be vigorously opposed. Communities have had the benefit of the Green Belt through the foresight of past generations; we in turn must leave it for future generations. Will the community council take up this urgent issue?’

Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council chairman Roy Douglas (pictured above) confirmed that the community council will indeed take up the issue. He said: “The first we heard about these plans was when the story appeared in the NEN. why should
the college or anyone else come along and use up greenspace without consulting the community? As a Community Council we will be objecting to any planning for this type of change.”

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3 thoughts on “Community Council will challenge Marine Drive development”

  1. Interesting meeting at CC last night – Cllr Redpath attended but no sign of Cllr Cardownie (again). Discussion re Marine Drive Dev with lots of other items on the agenda – people should come along and be part of the process – even if it is just to question the Cllrs.

  2. I’ll be at this meeting for sure. I want to know who this group speaks on behalf of, as I as a Muirhouse resident have never been approached by anyone from this group.

    Why would someone object a project which will generate income and many needed jobs for North Edinburgh.

    I pray and hope that this project will go ahead and be successful

  3. Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council meeting tonight (25th) at 7pm in the Millennium Centre – do you agree with them? Why not go along and find out what’s going on.

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