Muirhouse Park was closed off for four hours yesterday for a Play Out event. Total Craigroyston’s Sarah Low explained what it’s all about: ‘Play Out involves closing a street for a few hours, meaning children and families can play safely in their community. Among the activities were lots of traditional games – skipping, football, rounders and even ‘pop-up theatre’! Local parents identifies the need for events like this during the recent Total Craigroyston consultations.”
Local man Robert Pearson was there, and he takes up the story:

Road closed signs positioned at either end of MuirhousePark, this was out of the norm. Was it another police incident – or something else?
It was certainly something else and something that’s never happened in Muirhouse before! Local group Total Craigroyston had arranged a fun, safe environment for children and families to play.
From 11am until 3pm the street was a no-go for any motor vehicles, which was enough to get the kids smiling. But when the fun started, the smiles got even bigger! Total Craigroyston staff and volunteers from North Edinburgh Women’s Group had many games and activates in mind, and officers from Lothian and Borders Police were also here to enjoy the fun and get to know the locals.
Huge thanks to Mr and Mrs Hardwick who kindly allowed a water slide to be set up in their very own garden, it was not long until the kids had formed a very orderly queue!

Who would have thought that a little bit of fairy liquid, water and a sheet of plastic would keep many kids happy for many hours, with competitions to see who could slide furthest. 
The fun went on for many hours; other activities included chalking on the road, designing your very own puppet, rounders, football and much more.

Father of three David Graham, of Ferry Road Drive, only heard of the event from one of his friends just the day before. He said: “It’s fantastic to hear kids joking and laughing and it’s fantastic to see so many parents enjoying the activities with their children.” David was also keen to promote next week’s Total Craigroyston event, which will take place in his street.
Many adults took part in the game of rounders – that was until someone managed to lose one ball over the roof and another in the hedge! It was all part of the fun.

My own children really enjoyed the day. Six year old Thomas said “My favourite part of the day was the water balloons” – and he especially loved throwing the balloons as the police officer! Nine year old Gary added that it was brilliant be able to play safely in the street and not have to worry about cars. He really enjoyed the water slide and making his own puppets.

Over 100 children enjoyed the fun and joined in with many activities, and despite the heavy sudden downpours the fun continued. Huge thanks to everyone who helped and made this day possible.
Some more pictures:

Lothian and Borders police officer being chased, rather than chasing; he was soon to be hit with a water balloon!
Above: Local children Gemma (6) and Emily (9) perform their very own puppet show with assistance from Licketyspit staff.
Words and pictures by Robert Pearson