We are recruiting for Community Reporters

Are you passionate about North Edinburgh and well informed about the issues affecting it? Are you connected to local communities or projects? Are you a keen writer, blogger, video maker, podcaster or social media user?

The newly relaunched NEN is looking to recruit three dynamic community reporters to work with the paper.

The role is part-time and voluntary, but includes intensive training with former Guardian reporter and social media expert Tom Allan. The three new community reporters will be equipped with smart phones, and trained in how to blog, produce videos and audio interviews, and how find and report local news stories in interesting and creative ways.

Applications are particularly encouraged from people who are already involved in local projects or community groups, and ideally you will already have some experience of writing or publishing your material online. But the main qualification is a passion for the area, and an interest in sharing stories from North Edinburgh. Initially, applicants are being sought in the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership area of the city.

If you are interested in finding out more about the role and how you can apply, please email w_t_allan@yahoo.com for more details.

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