Women: Breaking the Mould at Royston Wardieburn




Breaking the Mould is a new project which aims to record and celebrate inspirational women from North Edinburgh who have made a difference to the lives of others locally, nationally, internationally. The North Edinburgh project is looking to find women from the community who have ‘broken the mould’, and who will be featured in an Edinburgh wide publication.

We are trying to find out and learn more about local women of North Edinburgh, who did/ are doing amazing and remarkable things for their community and who we feel can inspire women and girls today and in the future. To do this we are discussing women from the North Edinburgh area who are or were engaged in a range of social and political campaigns, including women’s involvement in the recent Scottish Independence Referendum. Other areas of women’s activism that will be looked at are throughout the 20th century looking at the 1960s and 70s, the war years and the women’s suffrage movement.

At the moment we are chatting about what we mean by a women having ‘broken the mould’.

The group of women meet every Wednesday from 11 – 1pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. A free crèche is provided for participants’ children. Free Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.

If you would like more information or to join the group please call Lynn McCabe at Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 or Janette Bond, from the Workers’ Education Association on 225 2580.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer