University develops care home workers as osteoporosis champions


A university project, which is raising awareness of the shocking rise of osteoporosis in adults across the UK, is to provide specialist education for care home workers and community champions.

On World Osteoporosis Day (20th October ‘24) Queen Margaret University (QMU), Edinburgh announced that it is expanding its vital work to ensure osteoporosis is viewed as a public health priority.

The University team will be encouraging staff from care homes, and people living with the condition, to become better educated about the common bone disease which affects over 3 million people in the UK.

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. Developing slowly over several years, it’s often only diagnosed when a fall or sudden impact causes a bone to fracture.

Affecting over 250,000 in Scotland and accounting for around 527,000 fractures per year in the UK, QMU’s Lydia Osteoporosis Project is passionate about raising awareness to help halt the rising numbers of people affected by the condition.

Although it is frequently perceived as a condition primarily affecting postmenopausal women (affecting 1 in 2 women over 50), evidence indicates that osteoporosis affects approximately 1 in 5 men over the age of 50.

Given its often ‘silent’ progression until fractures occur, it frequently evades diagnosis until it reaches an advanced stage.

Dr Karen Matthews, who leads the Lydia Osteoporosis Project at QMU, explained: “Osteoporosis silently undermines bone strength over time. Often, it remains undetected until a simple fall or sudden impact results in a debilitating fracture.

“Typically, individuals with osteoporosis experience fractures in their wrists, hips, or spinal bones. It can even lead to a broken rib or partial spinal bone collapse triggered by a mere cough or sneeze.

“Older people can develop the characteristic stooped posture as their spinal bones weaken and are unable to bear their body weight.”

Due to our increasing aging population, osteoporosis is now increasingly prevalent, with a high incidence of people with the condition living in a care home setting, as well as in the community.

Dr Matthews explained: “It is not always obvious that someone has osteoporosis, as it can essentially be a hidden disease. But it is critical that staff in care homes and health care settings develop a better understanding of the condition so they can prevent any unnecessary bone fractures when moving or handling patients.

“Care homes workers who may be moving people in and out of beds, chairs, wheelchairs etc., or even helping them wash or change, need to be aware of the condition, to avoid handling which may cause people’s weakened bones to fracture accidentally.

“Staff in care homes, healthcare professions and the public can all benefit from improved knowledge about preventing osteoporosis through lifestyle choices, physical activity, and a balanced, bone-healthy diet, as well as how to prevent unnecessary fractures.”

Dr Matthews emphasised: “We cannot underestimate the importance of care home staff when it comes to the care and welfare of our elderly population. We must invest in their education and professional development so they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to give the best care to their residents. 

“That’s why Queen Margaret University will be offering a number of free modules as scholarships to individuals working in the care home sector. We want to develop a community of Lydia Osteoporosis Champions who can help to raise awareness of this important condition within the sector.”

The QMU team is also keen to develop champions in the community who can work to reduce the incidence of osteoporosis within the population by promoting good bone health and preventative behaviours such as weight bearing exercise and healthy eating.

Dr Matthews concluded: “Osteoporosis is now such a significant health problem in today’s society that it needs to be viewed and addressed as a public health priority.

“Education and research are key to raising awareness. That’s why we are ensuring it’s taught as part of our undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare professional courses at QMU, and in our PgDip Advancing Care Home Practice (Person-Centred Practice).

“But we also need to reach people who are already in healthcare roles to spread awareness of knowledge across healthcare settings. Partnerships with staff in care homes and other healthcare settings are going to be crucial to our development of Lydia Osteoporosis Champions. 

“Ultimately this will improve person-centred care of people living with osteoporosis across our care home sector, and reduce the prevalence of this worrying condition in Scotland and the UK.”