As part of its approach to the Commission’s 2023-24 scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s progress in reducing child poverty, the Poverty and Inequality Commission wanted to hear from parents and carers who were a member of the Scottish Government’s ‘priority family types’. These are households types who are at greater risk of poverty.
The Commission worked with eight organisations to organise workshop discussions (and in one case a survey) to gather parent and carer participant views on:
- What policies to reduce child poverty they were aware of
- How well they felt policies were working
- What else they felt was needed to reduce child poverty

This report summarises the views of participants on the three topics above, expanding on the material the Commission published earlier in 2024 as part of its 2023-24 child poverty scrutiny.
The Commission is very grateful to all the participants in our workshops who took time to discuss these issues, and the organisations who we worked with to arrange them.
Download: Report of workshops with priority families in Scotland and their ideas to reduce child poverty (pdf, 422kb)