Children’s engagement with the Scottish Parliament to be expanded

Children from across Scotland have joined the Presiding Officer to sign a joint commitment to increase their involvement in the work of the Scottish Parliament.

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The commitment is a working in partnership agreement between the Scottish Parliament and the Children’s Parliament. It will help develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the workings of the Scottish Parliament and support them to build the skills and confidence to inform and influence legislation.

Members of the Children’s Parliament (MCPs) including Eva and Millar from Fife, Cara, Lewis and Evie from East Lothian, Waldah and Michael from Clackmannanshire, Arden from Edinburgh and Rida from Aberdeen were invited to the Scottish Parliament to sign the agreement and to hear more about the work of the Parliament.

Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, the Rt Hon. Alison Johnstone MSP, said: “This agreement has been written with children, for children. This commitment signals our aim to ensure that children in Scotland know that they have a voice in their Parliament.

“MSPs and Parliament staff work extensively with schools, in Holyrood, in local communities and online to engage with children about the work of the Scottish Parliament. This agreement will help us to do even more. Children in Scotland should be treated as valued and equal citizens with a voice in issues that affect and impact them.”

Arden, an MCP from Edinburgh who attended the event, said: “Younger children are just bursting with creative ideas and solutions. They are just waiting to be given an opportunity where they can be listened to. It’s just about giving them the space, time and support.”

Director of the Children’s Parliament, Cathy McCulloch, said: “Having MCPs sign the partnership agreement with the Presiding Officer sets us on a path to new awareness and understanding of children’s human rights throughout the Parliament. This is another sign that Scotland takes children seriously and is committed to realising their rights to be healthy, happy and safe.”

The agreement will see information provided to help MSPs and Scottish Parliament staff increase their understanding of children’s human rights – in line with the UNCRC – and commit to ensuring Parliamentary processes create a safe and friendly environment for children to participate with dignity and respect.

Established in 1996, Children’s Parliament is dedicated to the realisation of children’s human rights in Scotland. 

Young people’s voices to play key role in the Scottish Parliament

A renewed commitment for young people to play a key role in Scottish politics has been made today by the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Youth Parliament.

The Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Alison Johnstone MSP, and the Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP), Josh Kennedy MYSP, signed the Working in Partnership agreement.

It will see both organisations working more closely together on a range of issues to increase young people’s representation and involvement in the work of the Parliament, with young people’s rights placed at the heart of the work being undertaken. 

This will include the Scottish Parliament hosting a sitting of the Scottish Youth Parliament once every two years; developing relationships between Members of both Parliaments; ensuring young people can contribute to committee inquiries and providing opportunities for both staff teams to connect with each other to identify opportunities for collaboration.

Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Alison Johnstone MSP, said:

“Young people across the world have shown what activism and having a strong voice can do. We want to harness this commitment to ensure the views of young people are better reflected within the work of the Parliament.”

Josh Kennedy MYSP, Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament, said: “Last week the Scottish Youth Parliament welcomed 150 new Members following our 2021 elections. Throughout our elections young people highlighted the issues they want to see changed from mental health, to education, to the climate emergency.

“In signing this partnership, the Scottish Parliament and SYP are reaffirming our joint commitment to building a relationship between MSYPs, MSPs & Parliament. By supporting MSYPs and MSPs to work together we will ensure young people’s voices at the centre of decision making”

This Working in Partnership agreement signed today continues the work that started in 2018, which included a sitting of the Scottish Youth Parliament in October 2019; closer working between Scottish Parliament committees and the SYP; and an ongoing programme of training and support for SYP members to engage meaningfully in the parliamentary processes.