Support for women in conflict resolution

First Minister marks International Women’s Day

First Minister John Swinney has reaffirmed Scotland’s commitment to promoting women’s leadership in conflict resolution, as Scotland marks International Women’s Day.

The First Minister confirmed the Women in Conflict 1325 Fellowship programme will receive continued Scottish Government funding as part of a new £400,000 programme to support peacebuilding organisations in Scotland.

Delivered by Scotland-based NGO Beyond Borders and the University of Edinburgh Law School, the Fellowship has trained more than 360 women peacebuilders from 40 conflict-affected countries across the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and Latin America since 2017.

It is named after the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which marks its 25th anniversary this year.

First Minister John Swinney said: “Scotland has a proud history of championing peace, democracy, and human rights. On International Women’s Day, we reaffirm our commitment to international peacebuilding and ensuring women have a central role in that process.

“We know when women are involved in peace processes, the outcomes are fairer and longer lasting. Ensuring women’s participation is therefore not just a moral imperative, but a strategic necessity for achieving sustainable peace.

“That is why I am pleased to confirm that the Scottish Government is extending its support for the Women in Conflict 1325 Fellowship Programme.

“At a time of heightened global conflict – and when investments in overseas aid are being cut elsewhere – Scotland is proud to support the role of women in international peacebuilding efforts and sharing our values of democracy and devolution to help others build lasting, peaceful societies.”

Mark Muller Stuart KC, Founder and Director of Beyond Borders Scotland, said: “Beyond Borders Scotland is delighted to have secured renewed funding for the world-renowned Women in Conflict 1325 Fellowship Programme which is about to enter its 10th year and has done so much to support women’s presence within peace processes around the globe.

“The Scottish Government’s announcement of this exciting award on International Women’s Day is a fitting tribute to the tireless efforts of women peacemakers and builders working around the world to help their communities emerge from conflict as well an appropriate celebration of the 25th anniversary of the ground-breaking passing of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 calling for greater women’s participation in peace processes.”

Professor Jo Shaw, Head of Edinburgh Law School, said: “At a time when armed conflicts are becoming more complex, the University of Edinburgh welcomes the Scottish Government’s unwavering commitment to inclusive peacebuilding.

“Globally, women are disproportionately affected by conflict and often denied full roles in local, national, and international peacebuilding efforts.

“We look forward to continuing our work with the Women in Conflict Fellows and Scottish peacebuilding community to increase the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in peacebuilding, and to amplify the voices of Scotland-based actors in international conflict resolution. We thank the Scottish Government for taking the initiative and supporting this important work.”

Beyond Borders: Funding extended for conflict resolution across the globe


Funding to support women working to prevent and resolve conflict in 25 countries will be extended for 2023-24, the First Minister has confirmed.

The Women in Conflict 1325 Fellowship, run by Scottish cultural exchange non-profit Beyond Borders, will receive a grant extension of £300,000 during 2023-24 from the Scottish Government’s International Development budget.

The Fellowship equips female peace-building activists from countries affected by conflict across the Middle East, South Asia and Africa with skills in gender-sensitive conflict resolution, mediation and reconciliation.

The funding will support the principles set out by the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women’s participation in peacemaking and peace-building initiatives in conflict-affected regions.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “This funding will support Women in Conflict 1325 Fellows to continue their vital work to promote peace and equality. Their expertise, specialism and – above all – compassion in dealing with the broader issues resulting from conflict, which are being further exacerbated in many cases by the impact of climate change, is invaluable.

“I have been privileged to attend several fellowship meetings, and every time I am impressed and heartened by the devotion and determination of the women carrying out extraordinarily difficult work across the globe.

“It’s no wonder the organisation has grown from strength to strength since 2016 to now number 42 Fellows in the 2022-23 project year, with a broader network of alumnae spanning over 300 women from some of the countries hardest hit by conflict – each and every one of whom make an enormous contribution towards building and maintaining peace.”

Mark Muller Stuart KC, Founder of Beyond Borders, said: “Since 2016, Beyond Borders has helped to establish and nurture a unique community of practice of over 300 women peace practitioners who operate across the globe.

“Through this programme, Scotland has not only provided these Fellows with a platform by which to exchange best practice with seasoned peace practitioners – including from the UN. It has also offered a critical safe space for them to share experiences and connect with other women working in peacebuilding and conflict resolution as well as learn about devolution and Scotland and the UK’s own remarkable constitutional journey.

“Beyond Borders is particularly indebted to the First Minister for her inspirational support and visionary leadership, which time and again has helped to further galvanise this remarkable community of women peacemakers in their ground-breaking work.”

Alaa Assani, a Syrian Fellow of the November-December 2022 Women in Conflict 1325 Fellowship Programme, said: “Through the Fellowship I have met amazing and incredible women Fellows who supported me with their feminist solidarity during my most difficult times as an asylum seeker – supporting my family Syria and Turkey after the devastating earthquake while I was in the UK.

“The conversations with other Fellows and the reflections on our feelings, standing by each other and exploring opportunities and resources to support ourselves and others affected by this disaster, were significantly helpful for me.

“The Fellowship encouraged me to start my self-care and healing journey by acknowledging my challenges, revisiting my priorities and prioritising my mental health after it was neglected in the last 12 years due to the ongoing Syrian war and accumulative traumas over the years. This helped me restore energy which I have poured into fighting for women’s rights and accountability, and seeking for justice and sustainable peace for my Syria.”