Water levels return to normal across most of Scotland

Businesses abstracting water from the environment are being urged not to get complacent as river and ground water levels return to normal across much of Scotland.

The latest water scarcity report, published today by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), reveals most of the country has now recovered to Normal Conditions or Early Warning.

This is in stark contrast to just three weeks ago when five areas of Scotland had reached Significant, the highest level available, following a period of prolonged dry weather.

Chris Dailly, Head of Environmental Performance – Geographic at SEPA, said: “Last month was challenging for those businesses reliant on water from the environment. We very much welcome this turnaround in conditions and much needed revival of river levels.

“It’s served as a reminder of the vital role water plays in many industries in Scotland and the crucial part businesses play in ensuring the sustainability of local water environments.

“As climate change exacerbates water scarcity, it’s imperative that water abstractors understand the impact of their usage and step up their efforts to manage this now and longer-term.”

Further rain is forecast across the southern half of the country this weekend, which may lead to continued recovery in some areas.

However, river flows and ground conditions have seen less recovery and are drier in the north-east, Fife and East Lothian, which remain in Alert level. Another dry spell may quickly lead to a deterioration in the water scarcity situation in these areas.

SEPA are urging abstractors in Alert areas, especially if taking water from burns and small rivers, to:

  • Routinely check equipment isn’t leaking.
  • Only use the water required for the use.
  • Consider water saving measures for next irrigation season.
  • If the catchment reaches Moderate Water Scarcity, consider your upcoming water needs and begin to plan with others in the catchment to share the resource or schedule abstractions.

SEPA are responsible for monitoring and reporting on the situation facing Scotland’s water resources and work with businesses all year round in industries such as agriculture, food and drink production, hydro energy and leisure to increase resilience to water scarcity.

More information, guidance and advice can be found at:  www.sepa.org.uk/waterscarcity.

Water scarcity situation worsens despite week of thunderstorms

Part of the River Esk area in Dumfries and Galloway is the second in Scotland to reach the highest water scarcity level in the most recent report published by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). It joins Loch Maree in the Highlands, which remains at Significant for a third week.

While heavy, thundery showers across the country have led to some very localised recovery of rivers and groundwater, they have not been enough to sufficiently replenish levels and conditions continue to get worse.

The Conon river area in the Highlands and the Outer Hebrides have now been escalated to Moderate Scarcity, where the southwest and much of central Scotland remain. Without further rainfall, these areas risk reaching Significant. The rest of the country is in Alert level.

Protecting our water environment

Authorised water abstractors in Loch Maree and River Esk areas already have conditions as part of their permits to protect the environment against low river flows, and no additional restrictions are required by SEPA.

However, as further areas reach Significant water scarcity, action will be required to protect the sustainability of local water environments. SEPA understands the impacts on businesses facing these challenging conditions and is working to avoid full suspensions on abstractions; where possible, measures to significantly reduce the volume of water taken from rivers and lochs will be implemented.

Head of Water and Planning at SEPA, Nathan Critchlow-Watton said: “We know the pressures facing Scottish businesses right know, including Scotland’s farmers, and the importance of the food and drink they produce.

“That’s why we’re determined to protect our environment whilst supporting Scotland during prolonged dry periods such as this.

“Our approach is proportionate, aiming to help those businesses using the least water and whose activities are most efficient to continue operating.

“This is a temporary position, recognising the impact suspensions can have on businesses, but it’s important abstractors understand the need to work with us now and in future years to adapt to water scarcity.”

Advice and guidance

SEPA is liaising with all sectors that abstract water from the environment, including agriculture, food and drink and leisure. Businesses are expected to put in place additional mitigation now to minimise the impacts of continued abstraction.

Guidance has been issued on which abstractors may be excluded from restrictions or have the volume of water they can take reduced rather than stopped. This will not be possible for all abstractors. SEPA will be in direct contact with businesses affected to provide additional advice.

Abstractors and irrigators are asked to manage water wisely, check SEPA’s water scarcity reports regularly and be aware of the situation in their area. They should regularly check abstraction equipment to make sure it’s in good condition and fix any leaks straight away. During dry periods, the volume and rate of abstractions should be reduced where possible.

It is also crucial for businesses to have a contingency plan for if restrictions are put in place by SEPA on abstractions. This can include using an alternative source if available within current authorisations.

More information, guidance and advice can be found at:


SEPA: Significant water scarcity warnings despite the rain

Water scarcity situation now Significant in River Tyne, with more catchments expected to follow

  • The Tyne catchment in East Lothian has reached Significant Scarcity and water abstractors are being contacted about possible licence suspensions
  • Suspensions remain in force in parts of the Tweed catchment, with the rest of the catchment expected to reach Significant Scarcity in the coming days.
  • The Ythan catchment in Aberdeenshire is also expected to join the Tyne and Tweed in Significant Scarcity in the next few days.

River and groundwater levels are critically low in the Tyne catchment in East Lothian, with the area reaching Significant water scarcity in the latest report published by The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

Businesses reliant on water abstractions are being contacted about next steps and possible licence suspensions to prevent further harm and potentially irreversible damage to the local water environment.

SEPA officers will be engaging with abstractors where suspensions are required to ensure compliance and advise restrictions will be lifted as soon as conditions improve sufficiently.

Parts of the Tweed catchment in the Scottish Borders remain in Significant water scarcity with suspensions on abstractions still in place. The rest of the area is also expected to reach this level in the coming days, along with the River Ythan catchment in Aberdeenshire.

Nathan Critchlow-Watton, Head of Water and Planning at SEPA, said: “Although we have seen some rainfall in these areas over the last week, it has not been enough to make up for the long-term deficits that have built up throughout the year.

“With more prolonged dry weather forecast, we will continue to monitor conditions and take appropriate action until the risk of water scarcity has reduced.

“Suspensions are part of Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan, which is designed to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity during prolonged dry periods. They are a last resort and SEPA only takes such action when the evidence tells us it can no longer be avoided.

“It is vital that business reliant on local water environments are prepared for these conditions as climate change means water scarcity is becoming a more regular occurrence. We are already seeing that this summer and we are committed to working with those affected now and in the future to help them build resilience.”

Further advice and guidance

Businesses may be able to switch to groundwater as their source and can apply to do so on our website. Applications from Significant Scarcity areas will be prioritised and fast-tracked.

Anyone concerned about meeting licence conditions or wishing to discuss contingency measures are encouraged to contact SEPA by emailing waterscarcity@sepa.org.uk

While SEPA focuses on managing abstractions from Scotland’s natural water resources for agriculture and other industrial uses, Scottish Water maintains public water supply.

For more information on water scarcity and to view the latest report, visit www.sepa.org.uk/waterscarcity.