Drowning prevention charity urges families to stay safe as temperatures set to climb

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) is warning families across the UK to stay safe ahead of the high temperatures expected to hit parts of the country over the coming weeks. 

This warning from the water safety charity comes as the UK is set to expect temperatures rise over the next few weeks and see people take more opportunities to enjoy water across open water sites in the UK and Ireland, as well as at home in the garden.

Following its Drowning Prevention Week campaign, RLSS UK is urging everyone to learn the Water Safety Code though its video animation to enjoy water safely this summer. RLSS UK is reminding those spending time near water in the UK to stay vigilant and follow the Water Safety Code:

  • Stop and think
  • Stay together
  • If in danger, call 999 or 111

As we see drownings increase as the weather gets warmer, the charity, which shares its expertise in water safety, lifesaving and lifeguarding to help educate everyone to enjoy water safely, wants to encourage everyone to take care whilst in or near the water this summer. 

Matt Croxall, Charity Director at RLSS UK, said: “Tragically, as the weather gets warmer, we see an increase in the number of people that lose their lives to drowning. We want to ensure that everyone is equipped with the vital knowledge to allow them to safely enjoy being in or around the water this summer.

“As we’re officially now in summer and with temperatures climbing, each year we see a spike in accidental drownings occur in June, July and August. In 2022, 46% of the 226 accidental drownings took place within those three summer months[i].

“We are urging parents to stay vigilant in, on and around water, both at home and when spending time outdoors and to have the water safety conversation with their children. We want to avoid any tragedies and any more families going through the heartache of losing a loved one. With the right education, accidental drownings are avoidable. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.”

RLSS UK has a number of free resources available on its website – www.rlss.org.uk – to provide water safety advice for families.  

For more information around staying safe this summer, please visit our website: www.rlss.org.uk

Follow us on Instagram and X – @RLSSUK

Visit our Facebook or Instagram pages – facebook.com/RLSSUK 

Find your local RLSS UK affiliated club here: Find A Lifesaving Club | Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK)

Firefighters support water safety campaign

Firefighters back Drowning Prevention Week (18 – 26 June)

Water Rescue team - on lines

Firefighters have joined calls for people to stay safe around water.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) crews are frequently called to emergencies where someone has gotten into difficulty on rivers, canals and lochs throughout the country.

While firefighters always do what they can to save lives, they know their specialist skills are not always enough. Around 400 people drown in the UK every year and the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) launched Drowning Prevention Week to make people aware of the dangers and support schools, clubs and leisure centres working to avoid needless tragedies.

It has created activity packs with a video, a lesson plan and guide for educators, which are available on the SFRS website at www.firescotland.gov.uk/your-safety/water-safety/schools-and-community-groups-resources.aspx.

Assistant Chief Officer Robert Scott, the SFRS director of prevention and protection, said: “Scotland enjoys some the most beautiful rivers, lochs, canals and reservoirs in the UK and every year thousands of people visit to enjoy them. We want everyone who comes to these spots to have a great time and not experience a tragedy.”

He continued: “It’s important to remember water can pose risks. By looking out for hazards, following advice and signs, never swimming alone and knowing what to do if an emergency does happen, people can help keep themselves and others safe.

“It’s also vital that parents talk to children about safety if they could be playing near to water.”

Waterways can look very calm on the surface but have strong undercurrents or hidden objects lying beneath, which could easily trap someone or cause serious injury.

Open water can also become very cold just a few feet under the surface and can cause cramps or cold water shock.

Very cold temperatures affect stamina and a person could find their strength and ability to swim deteriorate rapidly, much faster than would be the case in a heated pool.

It is also important that people never enter the water if they are under the influence of alcohol, as doing so could be a fatal mistake.


The families of Cameron Gosling and Cameron Lancaster are both showing their support for Drowning Prevention Week and the RLSS charity.

Fourteen to 18-year-olds are the group most at risk of drowning and figures show that around 90 per cent of all 14 to 18-year-old drowning victims are male.

Cameron Lancaster tragically lost his life at the age of 18, after jumping into the disused Preston Hill Quarry in Inverkeithing, Fife, in August 2014.

His sister Ana, 15, spoke out for the first time since losing her brother and said: “I think that it’s incredibly important that Drowning Prevention Week is supported as widely as possible, as there needs to be more awareness of water safety and the dangers of large inland bodies of water, where many people have already lost their lives.

“My family and I are supporting the campaign by presenting talks in high schools around Scotland – where we can target my own age group of 14 to 18-year-olds.

“This age group really hits me hard as it’s also when people begin to really grow into their potential, and to cast all of that potential away due perhaps to ignorance is just unthinkable.

“I really hope that teens across the country hear this campaign and take it into account, as it may not only spare a life, but also the hurt that ripples throughout the communities when accidents like these do happen.”

Cameron’s mother, Gillian Barclay, added: “It is really important to take note of RLSS UK’s Drowning Prevention Week messages, messages that can mean the difference between life and death.

“We would ask people to support the campaign to ensure they and their families stay safe. Let’s avoid any more tragedies wherever possible.”

Cameron Gosling from Crook, County Durham was just 14-years-old when he drowned whilst swimming in the River Wear, Witton Park, Durham, with friends on 5 July last year (2015) after he jumped from a rock into the river.

His mother, Fiona said: “My phone went and it was a text saying Cameron had jumped into the river – he hasn’t come back up and we can’t find him. Then, when I saw someone walking up the drive later that night I knew they had found him.

“Cameron was a popular, fun and caring teenager whose life ended too soon.

“I have been working with RLSS UK to give children and teenagers the education and knowledge not to expose themselves to dangers when playing near rivers and lakes.

“I want to prevent any more people losing their lives to drowning and to stop any more families having to go through the pain and loss we have been and are still going through.”

Eighty per cent of all summer drowning victims are male, and it is hoped that targeting this high risk group will drive vital water safety messages home to thrill-seeking young people before the school summer holidays.

To help target this group RLSS UK has created new, hard-hitting education resources including an interactive presentation for secondary schools. The presentation ‘Drowning – It’s up to you’ focuses on teenagers’ choices and how the decisions they make can have disastrous effects. The presentation is also accompanied by additional resources including school lessons, assembly briefings, games and activities.

RLSS UK’s Chief Executive Officer, Di Steer said: “Around 400 people needlessly die from drowning each year and thousands more suffer injury, some life changing, through near drowning experiences. Putting these figures into context one person dies from drowning in the UK every 20 hours and over a third of all drownings occur over the summer months.

“We all know that water can be fun and a way to cool off in the summer, however it is important that children know how to stay safe. Every year we tragically see an increase in the amount of drownings over the summer period and we want to stop this.

“We hope during this year’s campaign we reach this key age-group, most at risk of drowning, as well as continuing to target younger children before they reach the age they will be most vulnerable.”

Each year, Drowning Prevention Week drives home water safety messages throughout a targeted week of activities, demonstrating how to stay safe and have fun near water. It also serves to raise money for the RLSS UK’s drowning prevention work.

Last year, thousands of primary schools, leisure centres and community groups delivered water safety lessons or events and this year the campaign aims to reach over 180,000 people with water safety educational resources.

For more information on RLSS UK’s Drowning Prevention Week campaign, download free resources and get safety advice – visit  www.rlss.org.uk

Drowning Prevention Week 2016 (1)