Scottish Ambulance Service recruiting Community First Responders

The Scottish Ambulance Service is recruiting volunteers to join its North Berwick Community First Responder (CFR) group.

CFR group members respond to potentially life-threatening emergencies such as a cardiac arrest or seizure in the vital first few minutes before an ambulance crew arrives.

Anyone over 18 with a driving licence can apply to become a community first responder and no previous medical experience is needed.

Training will be provided by the Scottish Ambulance Service and will cover the Basic Life Saving (BLS) skills that may be required when attending an emergency call.

Michael Dickson, SAS Chief Executive said: “CFRs come from a variety of backgrounds and play a vital role in starting treatment whilst an ambulance is on route.

“They are highly valued by the Scottish Ambulance Service, and I would encourage those with an interest in supporting their community to apply for this opportunity.” 

To register to become a CFR or to find out more about becoming a CFR, visit:

Dogs Trust free event: Local dog rescue needs your help

Volunteer recruitment event at Dogs Trust in West Lothian

Dogs Trust West Calder is hosting a volunteer recruitment event on Sunday 19th May 2019 open to anyone wishing to help make a difference to the lives and welfare of dogs. Continue reading Dogs Trust free event: Local dog rescue needs your help