Next month six-year-old Anthony Green will be travelling up and down Scotland to visit all 13 police divisions for charity.
Anthony has visited Divisional Headquarters in Fife on Detroit Road in Glenrothes every week since April 2022 to see police vehicles and personnel coming and going.
As a way to give something back to policing Anthony has decided to spend the month of July travelling to over 50 police stations, raising money for charity.
Officers across the country have got involved to help with the planning of these visits to ensure Anthony receives the warm welcome he’s used to from his hometown police.

Sergeant David McCabe said: “We are used to seeing Anthony accompanied by his parents in Glenrothes every week and it is fantastic to see the joy our vehicles and colleagues bring him by simply doing our job.
“His love of policing is evident in this challenge and we hope he enjoys seeing our colleagues across the country while on his travels.”