Letter – Thank You

Dear Editor,

We would like to thank the residents of Forth Ward for electing us at the election to represent them at the Council.

Two of our priorities are housing/fuel poverty, and the regeneration of the area.  We have already approached Council Officers to start this process and we will keep you informed of our progress.

Since being elected in 2008 Cammy has done much for the community and attended many community meetings and events but it was difficult when events clashed.  Now that there are two of us we can attend events more often.

Councillor surgeries will continue as advertised for the time being but from August this year, instead of fortnightly surgeries, there will be weekly surgeries at the Muirhouse Millennium Centre, The Prentice Centre and at the Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

This is just an indication of how we will be working for the residents of North Edinburgh.


Councillor Cammy Day and Councillor Vicki Redpath

Labour Councillors, Forth Ward