Utilita Energy Hub supports campaign to save Pilmeny Development Project

High street hub welcomes PDP committee members to its free Community Room – and don’t miss your chance to win this month’s hub raffle prizes

Natasha Baillie, Supervisor at the Leith Energy Hub, and her dedicated team are looking forward to welcoming the Pilmeny Development Project (PDP) management committee members to the hub’s Community Room on Friday, 7 March. 

PDP is facing a loss of funding which will mean closure of its services to socially isolated older people in Leith Walk, Leith Wards and North East Edinburgh.

The Utilita Hub’s Energy Experts have worked with the PDP for several years, ever since they began using the Community Room to help those being digitally excluded during the pandemic.

Keen to encourage others to make use of the hub’s facilities, Natasha said: “Our Community Room provides local groups and charities with a free and safe space for them to hold meetings or community events – with complimentary WiFi and refreshments available. 

“Whilst we fully appreciate that times are tough and that difficult funding decisions have to be made, we also recognise the important work that Pilmeny Development Project does to protect vulnerable, local, older people. Our shared aim of helping the local community makes using the Community Room an obvious venue choice for PDP.

“Whether you’re running a literacy class, a knitting circle, or gathering for a community event, please do get in touch to find out more about the hub’s meeting room facilities.”

Tackling food and fuel poverty

Hub visitors will have the chance to enter this month’s Utilita Leith Energy Hub’s Kids and Adults prize raffles – with the prize winners being revealed on Red Nose Day (Friday, 21 March).  This year’s Red Nose Day event will focus on supporting those in need during the current cost of living crisis, shining a spotlight on issues like food and fuel poverty.

Utilita’s charitable partner, Utilita Giving, is dedicated to alleviating and preventing the hardship caused by fuel and food poverty while raising public awareness about this critical issue.

Natasha added: “We would like to wish all our hub visitors good luck in this month’s Kids and Adults prize raffles – by taking part you’ll be helping us to raise awareness of food and fuel poverty. 

“The Kids prize hamper includes toys, Teddy Bears, sweets, as well as art and craft items. The prize up for grabs by their grown-ups is a 3.5L slow cooker, with a packet of slow cooker liners.

“There’s also a Tombola coming soon, so be sure to visit the Leith Energy Hub for your chance to win craft goods, chocolates and gift sets.”

Open to all

Utilita Energy Hubs are high street locations where customers can top up their accounts, check their balances, and get energy-saving advice – based not just in Edinburgh but also Gosport, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Luton, Derby, West Bromwich, Sheffield, Leicester, Blackburn, Huddersfield and Hartlepool.

The Utilita Leith Energy Hub is open from Monday to Saturday at 41 Newkirkgate, Edinburgh, EH6 6AA. See more on Utilita Energy Hubs at https://utilita.co.uk/energy-hub.

Utilita Energy Hub invites local footie fans to meet top Hibs players today

Hibs players will be visiting Utilita’s exclusive high street Energy Hub in the buzzing port district of Leith this afternoon.  Members of the club’s first team are set to arrive at 3.30pm for fan photos and a signing session.

Utilita Energy Expert, Caitlin Allardice, said: “We’re proud to support a number of football initiatives, including Football Rebooted, Switch Before Pitch, and the Utilita Kids and Girls Cups, and we’re looking forward to welcoming the Hibs players to our Energy Hub in Newkirkgate Shopping Centre.

“We’ll be offering a game of keepy-uppy for the children to take part in during the school holidays and the winner will score themselves a Hibs football. The first 20 kids to take part will each be given a colouring kit which comes in a Utilita branded football boots bag. Green sweeties and green apples will also be available on the day and we hope a good time will be had by all!

“As well as giving youngsters the opportunity to take selfies with the Hibs players, their grown-ups can also benefit from free and simple energy advice to help make their energy spend go further. So why not swing by this Wednesday afternoon for a cuppa and some top tips on how to cut energy usage at home?”

Utilita and Hibernian F.C. share many common values, with the two biggest being pro-planet and pro-local community. Since partnering with the Club, Utilita have been proud supporters of a number of key community outreach projects, delivered in partnership with the Hibernian Community Foundation. 

The hugely successful Leith Energy Hub offers face-to-face customer service, energy efficiency advice and technology, access to interactive kid-friendly energy efficiency apps, and a dedicated community space that is open for the public to book and use from Monday to Saturday. Local footie fans can also purchase Hibernian F.C. merchandise in-store.

Utilita Energy Hubs are high street locations where customers can top up their accounts, check their balances, and get energy-saving advice – based not just in Edinburgh but also Gosport, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Luton, Derby, West Bromwich, Sheffield, Leicester, Blackburn, Huddersfield and Hartlepool. 

The Utilita Leith Energy Hub is open from Monday to Saturday at 41 Newkirkgate, Edinburgh, EH6 6AA. See more on Utilita Energy Hubs at https://utilita.co.uk/energy-hub

Utilita Energy Hub in Leith celebrates five years of supporting the local community

Join the five-year milestone celebrations for your chance to win the Hub’s Grand Hamper Raffle

Edinburgh’s Utilita Energy Hub is set to mark its fifth year anniversary this week and the team in Leith will be welcoming both regular and new hub visitors to join a free Coffee Morning and Energy Efficiency Workshop. 

Natasha Baillie, Supervisor at the Leith Energy Hub,and her dedicated team are looking forward to welcoming the local community to help celebrate the milestone event on Friday, 31 January (08:30am-5pm) and everyone is invited along to enjoy a slice of birthday cake and a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate. 

Hub visitors will also have the chance to enter the Utilita Leith Energy Hub’s Grand Hamper Raffle, filled with lots of goodies such as chocolate and other sweet treats – with the prize winner being drawn and revealed at 3pm.  The Energy Efficiency Workshop is set to take place between 10 and 11am, followed by a special prize draw Tombola.

Not a customer? Not a problem! 

Back in 2018, Utilita opened its first hub in the UK with the aim of getting out into local communities and serving to help not only customers, but everyone that is part of that community too.

At the start of 2020, Utilita officially opened Scotland’s first high street Energy Hub in Newkirkgate Shopping Centre in Leith, with Hibs legend Pat Stanton cutting the ribbon, and it’s been providing vital community support and energy advice ever since. 

The hub aims to serve the community, offering energy advice to absolutely anyone that requires it and also engages in community events as well as working with local charities such as the Edinburgh North East Foodbank.

No matter whether you are a Utilita customer or not, the hub team is always happy to give free energy saving advice, something manager Natashasays is very important given the current cost-of-living crisis – and they’re also able to offer energy saving products at competitive prices. 

Five year reflection 

Reflecting on the hub’s success over the past five years, Natasha said: “We have had such fantastic support since the first day we opened our doors and really have been made to feel so welcome in the local community. It is thanks to them that we have done so well and been able to provide so much support to local good causes.  

“Hub highlights over the past five years include hosting a charity match with Hibernian Community Foundation and the Big Hearts Community Trust, which made over £5,000 and was donated evenly between the charities. 

“Every year at Leith Gala Day we book a stall to deliver energy efficiency advice and we work very closely with many other charities, one of them being Held In Our Hearts. Our recent abseil for this charity raised over £500 which was then match funded by the company.

”We’re immensely grateful to the people of Leith, and beyond, for really embracing what we do here.  With the local community’s support, we’re able to regularly donate Christmas Eve bags to Ronald McDonald House, as well as donating 25 TVs for all the rooms.

“Having a presence on the high street lets the public know that the Utilita team are here for everyone and all you need to do is pop down for anything you may need help with, customer or not. 

“We aim to make it super simple to manage your energy – no phone lines or online dashboards, just a friendly face to speak to in a warm space with a free cuppa if you’d like one and colouring packs to keep the kids entertained!” 

Open to all 

Utilita Energy Hubs are high street locations where customers can top up their accounts, check their balances, and get energy-saving advice – based not just in Edinburgh but also Gosport, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Luton, Derby, West Bromwich, Sheffield, Leicester, Blackburn, Huddersfield and Hartlepool. 

The Utilita Leith Energy Hub is open from 08:30 to 5pm Monday to Saturday at 41 Newkirkgate, Edinburgh, EH6 6AA. See more on Utilita Energy Hubs at https://utilita.co.uk/energy-hub

Winner of the Utilita Energy Hub Christmas Raffle is revealed


Staff at Utilita’s Energy Hub, located at Leith’s Newkirkgate Shopping Centre, would like to thank all customers who entered into this year’s Christmas Raffle.

The team raises funds throughout the year and were able to kindly gift back to the local Leith Community, having bought items worth £250.00 to create a Christmas food hamper raffle.

In the spirit of festive giving, raffle tickets were gifted to the Hub’s regular customers in a free to enter draw and Natasha Baillie, Leith Energy Hub Supervisorwas delighted to present a beautiful hamper to the raffle winner, Mr. Potter, a regular customer who tops up and pays his bills at the Hub.

Natasha said: “Mr. Potter was so delighted with the news that he called us his angels! He popped down and was so happy and emotional at the win. Mr. Potter did tell us to choose what we wanted but we managed to convince him otherwise, so he’s going to share the hamper with his neighbours! 

“It’s something we have very luckily been able to do each year – and our previous winners still visit our Leith Hub, which is lovely to see.”

Utilita’s high street hubs make it super simple to manage your energy – no phone lines or online dashboards, just a friendly face to speak to.

Whether you’re looking for account support, help to manage your spend or energy-saving advice, Utilita’s Energy Experts are on hand to help.

Santa’s Grotto to bring festive cheer to Utilita Energy Hub in Leith

Donations at Santa’s Grotto set to benefit South Leith Foodbank this weekend

Families are invited to swing by Utilita’s Energy Hub in Newkirkgate Shopping Centre this Saturday (7 December) between 11:30am and 3pm for a fun and free festive experience.

Visiting children will be given a gift completely free of charge and can take a selfie with Santa – thanks to the UK’s leading Smart PAYG energy supplier, Utilita.  

In the spirit of giving, Utilita is asking every family to bring a non-perishable food item with them if they can, which will be distributed to South Leith Foodbank – part of Edinburgh North East Foodbank.

Natasha Baillie, Manager at the Leith Energy Hub, is looking forward to welcoming families and children to the hub on Saturday, 7 December. She said: “We’re excited in the countdown to Christmas to have a very special visitor coming to our high street energy hub.

“As well as giving youngsters the opportunity to take selfies with Santa Claus and receive a free gift, their grown-ups can also benefit from free and simple energy advice to help make their energy spend go further this winter. So why not swing by this Saturday for a cuppa and some festive cheer?”

Utilita’s high street hubs make it super simple to manage your energy – no phone lines or online dashboards, just a friendly face to speak to.

Whether you’re looking for account support, help to manage your spend or energy-saving advice, Utilita’s Energy Experts are on hand to help.

Utilita donates over 250 Care Boxes to NHS staff in Edinburgh

Staff from the Utilita Energy Hub in Leith say a special thank you to NHS workers on the frontline at the mass vaccination centre and Chalmers Dental Hospital

Staff from the Utilita Energy Hub in Leith, Edinburgh, have gifted 180 ‘thank you’ boxes to NHS staff working on the frontline giving mass vaccinations at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).

A further 80 boxes were also gifted to Chalmers Dental Hospital which has been delivering dental care throughout the pandemic.

Inside each box contained a range of items to provide a gentle morale boost, from light refreshments such as luxury hot chocolate, tea and coffee, to personal care including soothing hand cream and shampoo to a stress ball for more challenging moments.

Sharon McDonald, Assistant Service Manager Chalmers Dental Hospital, said: “I just wanted to thank you for making my teams day at the Edinburgh Dental Institute – the frontline staff were over the moon with the boxes with goodie, it really lifted everyone’s spirits – like the whole of the NHS it has been a really due tough year for our teams.”

Photo caption: Steve Lawson, Security Officer at EICC (right), Maxine Clark, Energy Expert from Utilita (middle) and Julie Ann, NHS Senior Lead EICC (right)

Debra Clason, Hub Manager of the Utilita Energy Hub in Leith, Edinburgh, commented: “After over a year caring for patients suffering with Covid-19 on the frontline, we hope our donation puts a smile on the faces of our unsung heroes during this challenging time.

“We know NHS staff have limited time to go to the supermarket, so we hope essential items like these will give them some rest bite.”

Since the start of the pandemic, staff at the Utilita Hub in Leith have delivered over 1,500 hot meals for ‘Empty Kitchens, Full Hearts’; dropped off food parcels to elderly vulnerable people via the Pilmeny Development Project, ‘Leith Lives’; delivered PPE to small community groups from the Umbrella Group; given snacks to NHS staff at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary from the Hibernian Community Foundation; and taken part in The Prince’s Trust ‘Future Steps’ challenge to complete 10,000 steps a day each to raise money for young people.

The NHS ‘thank you’ boxes are their most recent charity efforts, with plans to roll out further brilliant work to help community groups this summer.

As a direct response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Utilita – the only energy company created to help households use less energy – helped 567,000 times to provide financial assistance for customers facing difficulty. It also helped top-ups go further, by holding 200 energy advice interactions with customers every day. 

Central to helping people save money is the Utilita Energy High 5 movement, which enables every household to use around £163 less energy each year by making five free and easy-to-follow changes at home.

More than two million households have engaged with the movement so far – every household can benefit – not just Utilita customers, to start saving today.

Find out more: www.utilita.co.uk/energyhigh5

Every Penny Feeds: Leith’s Utilita supports North East Foodbank

The Utilita Energy Hub team in Leith has donated £1,500 to Edinburgh North East Foodbank, as part of Utilita’s vital ‘Every Penny Feeds’ initiative.

The nationwide fundraiser saw Utilita donate a penny for every smart meter top-up made via the award-winning My Utilita app throughout December 2020, raising £17,000 in total for foodbank charities across the UK. The initiative is part of Utilita’s pledge for its customer-facing staff to deliver at least 10,000 hours’ worth of time supporting foodbanks across the UK in 2021. 

Charities receiving the donations include UK wide food charity FareShare, London-based The Felix Project, and six local foodbanks across the Utilita Energy Hub network. With around two million UK households having used a foodbank in the UK in 2020 – an extra 300,000 more than in 2019[1] – the valuable donations will help to provide meals for families and individuals experiencing poverty during the pandemic.

Alison Roxburgh, Manager of Edinburgh North East Foodbank, commented on the donation: Edinburgh North East Foodbank, which covers the Leith area, supported 4,159 individuals and families with emergency food parcels last year.

“As we continue to live in uncertain times, with the country still in lockdown, the furlough scheme coming to an end, and job security in the balance, we anticipate an increase in those seeking support from the foodbank. 

“It is thanks to the ongoing support and generosity of companies like Utilita that enables us to provide that much needed support to people within our community.”

Debra Clason, Hub Manager of the Utilita Energy Hub in Leith, commented: “As a Leither, born and bred, I know how proud people are in this community and how they pull together. 

“The fact that so many people have had to go to friends and family for support and rely on the foodbank shows how hard things are for people at the moment. The Utilita Energy Hub in Leith is proud to be able to support the most vulnerable in our community by supporting the foodbank and their sterling work.”

Donations from the ‘Every Penny Feeds’ initiative have gone to:

  • FareShare – The UK’s national network of charitable food redistributors, made up of 18 independent organisations, which takes good quality surplus food from across the food industry and delivers it to almost 11,000 frontline charities and community groups – received £6,000
  • The Felix Project (a member of the FareShare Network) – Delivers fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold to charities and schools in London so they can provide healthy meals to help the vulnerable – received £2,000
  • Southampton City Mission – A Christian charity which has five foodbanks and two clothes banks in locations throughout the city – received £1,500
  • Friends of the Homeless – Provides short-term practical support to anyone in a crisis or an emergency situation in Fareham and Gosport – received £1,500
  • Edinburgh North East Foodbank – A foodbank run in partnership with local churches in North East Edinburgh – received £1,500  
  • Springwater Community Group – A local community group in Derby which delivers surplus food from supermarkets to people and families who are going through financial difficulties – received £1,500  
  • Isle of Wight Foodbank – Helps those struggling with food poverty and short-term crisis on the Isle of Wight – received £1,500
  • Salma Foodbank – An emergency foodbank that delivers food to the doors of individuals and families in the West Midlands – received £1,500

As a direct response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Utilita – the only energy company created to help households use less energy – introduced measures to reassure and promote a ‘worry-free’ experience for all customers, especially those experiencing hardship or vulnerability.

In 2020 alone, Utilita issued £8.5m in account credits at zero interest for customers facing financial difficulty through its ‘Power Up’ feature in the My Utilita app, or via a customer call. Utilita’s dedicated Extra Care Team has also called every customer aged 80 and over to advise them on all the ways to top-up and stay on supply.

Central to helping people save money is the Utilita Energy High 5 movement, which enables every household to use around £163 less energy each year by making five free and easy-to-follow changes at home.

More than two million households have engaged with the movement so far – every household can benefit – not just Utilita customers, to start saving today.

Find out more: www.utilita.co.uk/energyhigh5

Utilita team still stepping out despite the snow

Staff at Utilita’s Energy Hub in Leith are taking part in the ‘Future Steps’ campaign, a 10,000 steps-a-day challenge during the month of February to raise vital funds for The Prince’s Trust. 

Utilita Energy is powering The Prince’s Trust Future Steps campaign, to enable the charity to give young people hope for the future by helping them to develop the skills and confidence needed to move into work, education or training.

Staff from the Energy Hub in Leith – who have been aptly named the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ – will each clock up 10,000 steps for 28 consecutive days throughout February, resulting in 60,000 steps a day and a massive 1.68 million steps in in total by the end of February.

Debra Clason, Team Leader of the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ Future Steps team at the Utilita Energy Hub in Leith, said: “With so many young people’s lives disrupted and impacted by the pandemic, their education or career plans may have been put on hold, so it’s important that the support they need to confidently get back on track is there when they need it most.

“We’re telling the customers we speak to about the campaign, and also educating each customer about the Energy High 5 campaign – helping every household to reduce their energy spend by £163 per year.”

The Utilita Energy team aim to beat 5m steps they achieved in 2020. They’ve been walking at 6am and 6pm daily to fit the 10,000 steps-a-day challenge around their shifts – and have at times felt like arctic explorers!

Hub Manager Debra Clason, has been walking at 5am some mornings, she’s that competitive, and likes to inspire her team by always doing the most! Team Leader Donna Hall (above) said that on Thursday last week, steam from her breath was forming ice crystals in her hair! 

Debra said: “Despite the sub-zero weather, Donna, Maxine and I from the team have recently ventured expeditiously up Arthur’s Seat.

“Whilst we only intended to walk around the outside of the old volcano, watching all the people sledging and snowboarding tempted the us to tackle the heights, and when darkness fell we made our way up to the top of Salisbury Crags.

“I brought a torch, but it wasn’t needed with the bright white snow. Coming back down, the three of us hopped, skipped and slipped to the bottom of the hill, frozen, exhilarated and in love with the Edinburgh skyline that made the climb worthwhile.”

Laura Heaton, Head of Corporate Partnerships at The Prince’s Trust, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to Utilita for making Future Steps possible by sponsoring the campaign, and to their teams all over the UK who have signed up to get moving in support of our cause.

“The funds raised will help us to keep up with demand from young people in these anxious times, so that they can get the advice and opportunities they need to get back on track and regain control of their futures – whatever challenges they may be facing.” 

To donate valuable funds to help improve young people’s wellbeing and help them to get into work, please visit the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ JustGiving page here.

Utilita Energy Hub Leith team takes Future Steps to support Prince’s Trust

Staff normally based at Utilita’s Energy Hub in Leith have signed up to take part in the ‘Future Steps’ campaign – a 10,000 steps-a-day challenge during the month of February to raise vital funds for The Prince’s Trust as the charity works to support young people during these difficult times. 

After former prime minister, Gordon Brown, warned that youth unemployment in Scotland could hit 100,000 this winter as a result of the pandemic, Utilita Energy is powering The Prince’s Trust Future Steps campaign, to enable the charity to give young people hope for the future by helping them to develop the skills and confidence needed to move into work, education or training.

Staff from the Energy Hub in Leith – who have been aptly named the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ – will each clock up 10,000 steps for 28 consecutive days throughout February, resulting in 60,000 steps a day and a massive 1.68m steps in in total by the end of February.

To donate valuable funds to help improve young people’s wellbeing and help them to get into work, please visit the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ JustGiving page here.

Debra Clason, Team Leader of the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ Future Steps team at the Utilita Energy Hub in Leith (above), said: “With so many young people’s lives disrupted and impacted by the pandemic, their education or career plans may have been put on hold, so it’s important that the support they need to confidently get back on track is there when they need it most.

“We’ll be telling the customers we speak to about the campaign, as well as educating each customer about the Energy High 5 campaign – helping every household to reduce their energy spend by £163 per year.”

Laura Heaton, Head of Corporate Partnerships at The Prince’s Trust, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to Utilita for making Future Steps possible by sponsoring the campaign, and to their teams all over the UK who have signed up to get moving in support of our cause.

“The funds raised will help us to keep up with demand from young people in these anxious times, so that they can get the advice and opportunities they need to get back on track and regain control of their futures – whatever challenges they may be facing.”

Staff from across Utilita Energy are taking part in the challenge this year – from senior management to customer service and energy engineers – with the aim to beat 5m steps they achieved in 2020.

Join them today and raise valuable donations to help young people by visiting: 


Meet Leith’s youngest Environmental Influencer!

Ten year old Leith Primary School pupil Jakariya Ali posed proudly in front of a billboard showcasing his winning energy-saving poster to celebrate the new Utilita Energy Hub, which is now open in Newkirkgate.  

The six local schools and 250 pupils who entered the competition were each tasked with designing an energy-saving poster, to be in with a chance to have their poster displayed on a large billboard in Newhaven Road, and win a £50 voucher.

Each school that entered received £100 and the winning school – Leith Primary School – received £500. All participating schools also received a £500 sports kit, courtesy of Utilita Energy. All artwork is being showcased in the new Leith Energy Hub.

Budding designer and arguably one the UK’s youngest environmental influencers Jakariya Ali, aged 10, learnt he had won the competition at the official Energy Hub opening on Saturday 1st February, where he met Hibernian FC legend Pat Stanton, and was presented the prize by Utilita CEO Bill Bullen.

Jakariya said: “I remember drawing the poster and wishing that mine was chosen, and now here I am standing in front of it. It’s exciting, and my family is really proud.

“The competition has made me think twice about leaving the lights on, that’s for sure.”

Leith Primary’s proud Headteacher Fiona Craig was delighted to learn that Jakariya Ali had won the competition. She said: As a school we concentrate a lot on the environment, and the importance of saving energy, so it was great to see the messages coming through so strongly in each of the designs.

“I drove past the billboard yesterday, and felt very proud and excited for Jakariya – he’s educating thousands of people who walk and drive past the billboard everyday – it’s such an achievement.”

Bill Bullen, CEO of Utilita, was one of the competition judges. He commented“We were bowled over by the level of engagement from local schools, and judging the energy-saving posters has been really rewarding – it’s great to see young people so tuned-in to what’s happening to the planet, and why we all need to do our bit in reducing wastage.”

Utilita Energy has opened a new Edinburgh-based Energy Hub as part of the company’s drive to have more face-to-face conversations with people about how to make their energy go further, while paying less.

The Energy Hub is the first of its kind in Scotland, offering face-to-face customer service and removing the need for a call centre. Each energy hub is home to a team of local energy advisors who can offer help and support, as well as educate people on how to make their energy go further. There are fun, interactive apps and jaw-dropping money-saving demonstrations that make being energy efficient fun.

Anyone visiting the Energy Hub can join in the Utilita #EnergyHighFive movement, which gives customers a list of five simple and free-of-charge adjustments to the way energy is used at home, resulting in a potential £163 saving on their annual energy bill. The #EnergyHighFive campaign has been created to enable Utilita to help a minimum of five million homes make their energy go further, while paying less.

Open from Monday to Saturday 9-5.30pm, the Utilita Energy Hub will also sell a variety of Energenie energy-saving devices starting from as little as £9. Many devices are Alexa-enabled, catering for households who have fully-embraced the handsfree power of voice control. There is also a dedicated community space that is open for the public to book and use from Monday to Saturday.

The new Utilita Energy Hub employs seven locals as Utilita Energy Experts. They are all local people who are knowledgeable and passionate about helping people to use less energy at home.  There will be four Utilita Energy Experts offering support at all times.

Founded in 2003, Utilita is the UK’s leading Smart PAYG energy company today, specialising in innovative technology that puts its customers in better control of their energy usage than ever before.

After installing a free Smart Meter in the customer’s home or garage, each customer is given a small In-Home Display (IHD), which shows in real-time what energy their home is using in pounds and pence. The free ‘MyUtilita’ app also provides energy usage data as well as other features such as ‘instant top-ups’ and ‘power up’ which is a small interest free-loan, which comes in handy when payday is just around the corner.

Utilita has more than quadrupled in size since 2015 from 180,000 to around 800,000 households and businesses across the UK.

Any local community groups interested in using the dedicated community space free-of-charge can book a session by emailing edinburgh@utilita.co.uk.