672 concerns of adults neglecting, mistreating or assaulting children in Scotland in 2019/20
The NSPCC has launched its Here for Children Christmas Appeal and a new TV ad to raise awareness of abuse and neglect this Christmas

More than 600 concerns of child cruelty and neglect offences were recorded by Police Scotland last year, the NSPCC reports as it warns that some children may be at risk of abuse this Christmas.
The charity is today releasing a new analysis of police data for the whole of the UK, which reveals that there were 23,529 offences recorded by forces in 2019/20.
Although there are significant variations in numbers between different regions and nations, the analysis finds that overall in the UK there has been 53% rise since 2016/17. However, in Scotland the annual number of offences has varied considerably over these four years, between 640 and 818, with last year’s figure totalling 672.
While not every police-recorded offence leads to a prosecution or child protection outcome, each represents a significant concern raised to the police about a child.
The NSPCC has issued the findings as part of a warning that children may be at risk of abuse this Christmas and that everyone needs to play their part in keeping young people safe.
To raise awareness of child neglect and abuse this Christmas, the NSPCC has launched its Here for Children Christmas Appeal. The charity has also produced a new TV appeal which depicts some of the heart-breaking abuse contacts the NSPCC-run service Childline expects to take in the Christmas holidays.
Over the last six months the NSPCC has been looking closely at the impact of lockdown – and its frontline teams are concerned that increased vulnerability, the challenges of safeguarding remotely and wider pressures on families may have increased the risks of abuse and neglect.
During the spring lockdown, an average of 50 children a day, across the UK, turned to Childline after suffering abuse, with counselling sessions about this issue increasing by 22% compared with pre-lockdown levels.
*A 14-year-old girl from Scotland told a Childline counsellor: “I’m feeling so stressed and upset at home right now. My dad abuses me a lot by making me starve. I literally have to beg for things to eat, and if I do get food it’s the tiniest bits. I feel hungry a lot but then it just turns into me feeling sick. I just wanted someone to talk to so I came here.”
*A 15-year-old girl from Scotland who contacted Childline said: “My parents don’t look after me and my siblings properly. The house is very dirty and my bedroom is damp and mouldy. The house is constantly cold as there is no heating and no hot water. Since lockdown, I’ve been finding it really hard to cope at home, I miss being at school.”
As part of its new appeal, the charity is calling on the public to donate £20 to the NSPCC so that services like Childline can be here for children this Christmas.
Everyone has a role to play in keeping children safe. The charity is reminding adults that if they have concerns about a child’s welfare they can call the NSPCC helpline.
NSPCC Scotland is also urging the Scottish Government to ensure that a comprehensive recovery plan is put in place and to deliver the long-term investment needed to provide high quality preventative and therapeutic services for children and support for families in every part of the country.

Matt Forde, head of service at NSPCC Scotland, said: “Every year there are children in Scotland experiencing pain and suffering at the hands of those who are supposed to care for them.
“For those children whose homes are not always a safe place, this year will have been extremely difficult. Their usual support networks and services will have been greatly reduced and many will have felt trapped and isolated.
“So, this year it is even more essential that children have a place where they can seek help and support. Our Childline service will be running every day over the Christmas holidays, but we need the public’s support so we can ensure vulnerable children are heard.”
Spotting the signs of abuse
The NSPCC is encouraging the public to look out for signs of abuse and speak up if they are concerned about a child. Signs of abuse and neglect to look out for can include:
- Untreated injuries, medical and dental issues
- Repeated accidental injuries caused by lack of supervision
- Recurring illnesses or infections
- Faltering weight or growth, and not reaching developmental milestones
- Poor language, communication or social skills
- Have unwashed clothes
- Have inadequate clothing, like not having a winter coat
- Living in an unsuitable home environment – for example without adequate heating, or dog mess being left
- Left alone for a long time
- Taking on the role of carer for other family members
Adults concerned about a child can contact the NSPCC helpline seven days a week on 0808 800 5000, or email help@nspcc.org.uk