Johnstone: Government must get tough on TTIP

TTIP: ‘an assault on public protections’ – Alison Johnstone MSP

ttip-protesteQuestioning the Minister for Europe at Holyrood today, Green MSP Alison Johnstone called on the Scottish Government to broaden their stance on TTIP, the free trade treaty currently being negotiated between the US and the EU.

She highlighted figures contained in a new report from Westminster’s Environmental Audit Committee (1) on the difference between chemicals regulation in the US and EU. 1300 chemicals are restricted for use in cosmetics in EU countries, whereas only 11 are in the US.

The Minister, Humza Yousaf, replied that while the Scottish Government has raised a number of concerns with the UK Government, TTIP as a whole is “difficult to oppose without seeing the final agreement”.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP said: “This deal risks much more than our precious public services. There is a real risk that important environmental and public health protections will be weakened by this treaty, which would undermine decades of political progress towards a more sustainable world.

“Overall the components of TTIP add up to an assault on public protections with little evidence of any reward, and it should not be so difficult for the Scottish Government to oppose this.”

Green warning over TTIP ‘distraction’

‘We need to shut the door on this deal’ – Alison Johnstone MSP


Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, is warning against the “distraction” of the language used in the controversial TTIP trade deal, following the leak of a draft document.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, being negotiated behind closed doors by the EU and US, aims to remove barriers to multinational corporations and could enable them to sue governments over profits. SNP ministers support the principle of the deal, as does Labour.

A leaked draft of what the EU wants excluded from the deal was reported by the BBC yesterday.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “While some want to quibble over the wording, that is a distraction compared to the broader purpose of the deal. Greens have consistently opposed this blatant corporate power grab. It’s undemocratic and threatens not just our NHS but puts at risk jobs and wages throughout our economy.

“Promoters of TTIP claim it will produce jobs and growth, but when questioned about who will benefit they resort to a belief in workers eventually sharing the profits from increased trade. We need to shut the door to this deal, and focus instead on strong public services and meaningful support for Scotland’s small and medium sized businesses.”

Johnstone signs NHS pledge

‘TTIP is a corporate power grab being negotiated in secret, threatening our NHS and putting at risk jobs and wages’ – Alison Johnstone MSP


Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, is renewing her call for the Scottish Government to toughen its stance on TTIP, the controversial EU-US trade deal which threatens jobs, wages and food standards.

SNP ministers support the principle of the deal, as does Labour. It aims to remove barriers to multinational corporations and could enable them to sue governments over profits.

UK trade minister Lord Livingston gives evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s European committee today (19 Feb), while a protest will take place outside Holyrood by campaigners concerned at the threat to the NHS from TTIP. Alison Johnstone has signed the People’s NHS pledge calling for the health service to be exempted from any deal.

Lord Livingston has said the UK Government is “totally committed” to TTIP, and that “the benefit to industry is enormous”. However, a range of charities and unions have warned against the deal, with Global Justice Now highlighting the threat to local employment and public health.

Alison Johnstone MSP, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, said: “TTIP is a corporate power grab being negotiated in secret, threatening our NHS and putting at risk jobs and wages. Although Scottish ministers say they oppose the inclusion of the health service in TTIP they support the principle of the deal.

“While it’s perhaps no surprise that the UK Coalition Government is prepared to roll out the red carpet for big business, the mixed position of the Scottish Government is causing serious concern among people I’ve spoken to in recent months. There’s a real danger that this deal could make it easier for corporations to drive wages down and make employment even less secure. It could also weaken protections against the imports of GM foods and hormone-produced meat.

“The mounting public concern cannot be ignored.”



TTIPing point

Greens urge First Minister to get tough on TTIP


Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood’s economy committee (above), is urging the First Minister to oppose TTIP, the controversial EU-US trade deal.

Writing on behalf of the five-strong Green-Independent group of MSPs, Ms Johnstone calls on Alex Salmond to press the case against a power grab by big business that undermines democratic decision-making.

The full text of the letter can be seen online at It is supported by Alison’s Green colleague Patrick Harvie, along with independent MSPs John Finnie, Jean Urquhart and John Wilson.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “”TTIP is a power grab by private corporations which threatens the NHS. Although Scottish ministers have said they oppose the inclusion of health services in TTIP the negotiations have not yet provided any clear protections, and I urge the First Minister to press the case.

“There’s huge public concern at the offshore corporate courts being proposed. These would enable corporations to sue governments for passing laws which may be in the public interest but affect a company’s profits, an outrageous suggestion.

“We could also see watering down of European protections from the likes of GM foods and beef produced with growth hormones, an issue causing real concern for Scotland’s farmers.

“I hope the Scottish Government will write again to the UK Government stating opposition to TTIP. There is mounting public concern that cannot be ignored.”