Age Scotland is seeking the views of older people in the first comprehensive survey of what it is like to grow older in Scotland.
The Big Survey explores all areas of life for older people including health and wellbeing, housing, media representation and the impact of Covid-19.
The national charity hopes to gain a better insight into what older people think, experience and care about. Survey responses will help prioritise its future campaigns and shape policy.
The Big Survey launches after an exceptionally challenging year for older people. This was the age group most severely affected by Covid. Older people were asked to shield, the overwhelming majority of deaths took place among the over 75s and care home residents faced months of separation from family and friends.
Lockdown has contributed to soaring levels of loneliness and the absence of regular exercise activities and sports has had an impact on physical fitness.
Age Scotland wants to hear from as many older people across Scotland as possible to find out what their lives are like now, what issues are important to them and their expectations of later life.
Brian Sloan, chief executive of Age Scotland, said: “We are pleased to be launching The Big Survey at such an opportune time. This has been a tumultuous time for older people and undoubtedly the past 12 months have had a profound impact across society.
“We want to hear how older people’s lives have been affected by Covid, what their expectations are now, how they want to live and what their requirements are for enjoying a fulfilling and happy later life.
“I would urge as many older people as possible to take part. Each and every response will be considered and they will help shape our policies and our work in the coming years.
“So please take the time to share your views and help us be there to support older people throughout Scotland in ways that make a real difference. We look forward to hearing from you.”
Have your say in The Big Survey
Tell us what life is like for people over the age of 50 in Scotland, the issues and challenges you face, and where change is needed.