NHS Lothian is delighted to announce the launch of its Summer Youth Volunteering Programme. The programme offers young people aged 16-24 the opportunity participate in a series of taster volunteering experiences over a five week period in one of our Acute or Community Hospitals.
Young people participating will gain –
· The opportunity to gain insight into the NHS Lothian and careers in health care
· The opportunity to build confidence and develop skills
· A reflective workbook to identify new skills and experiences to support applications for work or study
· Travel expenses
· Volunteer uniform
· Young Scot Points
· A reference on completion of the summer programme
· The opportunity to volunteer to extend volunteering beyond the summer programme commitment if desired
· You can also use the volunteering hours towards a Duke of Edinburgh or Saltire award
We are currently accepting applications. The closing date for applications is the 3rd of June.
If you have any queries about the Summer Youth Volunteering Programme or would like a member of the Voluntary Services Team to speak to a group of young people or to your colleagues, then please contact Head of Volunteering Jane Greenacre via jane.greenacre@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk