As Collective’s summer exhibitions draw to an end, make sure you don’t miss your last chance to see them: Camara Taylor’s backwash and Annette Krauss’ A Matter of Precedents both close on 4 September, and Ruth Ewan’s The Beast closes on 18 September.
As our summer programme draws to a close, we are delighted to announce two new exhibitions opening in the coming weeks, featuring new work by Stephanie Black-Daniels and Katie Schwab.

Position & Attachment | Stephanie Black-Daniels
17 September – 20 November 2022
16 September 2022, 6–8pm
Position & Attachment is a new exhibition by Glasgow-based artist and researcher Stephanie Black-Daniels, a participant in our 2021 Satellites Programme.
The artist draws on her experience of navigating breastfeeding practice in manmade public spaces during lockdown, whilst also reckoning with the medical language used to describe and instruct a feeding journey.
The new performance-based works for Collective build upon two years of performative and collaborative research with a group of women, and consider the potential for breastfeeding bodies to reclaim public space.
Join us for a preview on 16 September 6–8pm, to celebrate the launch of the exhibition.

The Seeing Hands | Katie Schwab
8 October 2022 – 5 March 2023
In October 2022, Collective’s City Dome will be a site of play, filled with a large-scale interactive exhibition by artist Katie Schwab, who participated in Collective’s Satellites Programme in 2015.
With a special interest in early-mid twentieth-century design and craft, Schwab’s practice is emphatically hands-on, collaborative and participatory. In the City Dome, she will layer textures, touchable surfaces and sculptures to create an exhibition that will invite tactile engagement and learning through play.
People of all ages are welcome to drop-in to play, look and gather in the exhibition with facilitated sessions during our regular Friday drop-in Play sessions.
Schools, nursery or community groups are welcome to contact Collective to book time to experience the exhibition.
This artwork is a joint commission in partnership with Bluecoat (Liverpool).