Since the start of May 2022 and over the course of around 40 days, police officers working in south east Edinburgh have carried out proactive road safety work. This proactive work has taken place at least 60 different locations.
The road safety work has been in response to community complaints, identified areas of concern and ensuring children are kept safe walking and cycling to and from school.
Our road safety work consisted of:
Before and after school patrols
Roadside speed checks
General road safety stops
Proactive moving checks of vehicles
Operation Closepass (overtaking cyclists safety)
Ensuring the safety of young people participating in the bike bus
Security bike marking events
Roadside breath tests
Police cycle patrols
Partnership working with our colleagues at Edinburgh City Council and in our Road Policing Unit.
As a result of our activity, we have reported over 50 offences (some motorists were charged with multiple offences) and engaged with well over 100 motorists, offering educational road safety advice on a variety of matters.

Sergeant Grant Robertson, South East Community Policing Team said “we remain committed to keeping your roads safe. We will continue to carry out proactive road safety work across the area alongside our partners.
“Whilst we acknowledge the majority of motorists drive responsibly, everybody has a part to play in keeping our roads safe. You can help by driving to the road speed, but importantly road conditions along with parking responsibly and considerately. Cyclists are vulnerable road users, so please give them plenty space when overtaking, at least 1.5 metres.
“Cyclists should remember that all road restrictions also apply to them. This includes traffic lights on red. Please stop and wait, do not cycle past a traffic light on red. This places you and other road users at unnecessary risk.”
You can follow our work on twitter at @EdinPolSE and look for #OpSlowTime.