The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) has released a Covid-19 poster resource pack for Men’s Sheds in Scotland.
The Association is still advising Men’s Sheds to remain closed in Phase 3 however, a recent SMSA poll – on the reopening of Sheds in Scotland – identified that 15% of the Sheds that responded are already open within the Scottish Government’s Guidelines for Phase 3.
The resource pack – currently containing 25 individual posters – will allow Sheds that are open to print off and prominently display the posters that they require for their Shed premises but also help those Sheds considering opening in the future to prepare in advance.

The SMSA is in ongoing discussions with the Scottish Government regarding the closure of Sheds and the health and safety of Shedders during the pandemic.
SMSA is currently working on the guidance (including risk assessments) for Sheds which will be issued at the appropriate time in line with Scottish Government guidance.