Ten years for violent sex offender

A man has been jailed for 10 years after being convicted of a series of violent and sexual crimes against women in the Edinburgh area.

James Kelly, aged 43, targeted six women over a six year period between 2014 and 2020.

He crimes included multiple sexual offences, including five counts of rape. He also assaulted one victim to her severe injury.

He was previously found guilty of 18 charges following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh and returned for sentencing today – Monday, 15 July, 2024.

Detective Inspector Eirlys Fraser said: “James Kelly subjected his victims to a shocking level of violence and sexual abuse. He is an extremely dangerous individual, who showed no remorse for his behaviour, but he is now paying the price for his despicable actions.

“I would like to commend the women for their strength in coming forward during this investigation and helping us build a compelling case against him. I hope this outcome provides them with some sense of closure and allows them to move on from this horrendous ordeal.

“If anyone is experiencing or has experienced any type of violence or sexual abuse, you are not alone, and we would encourage you to report it to us. You will be listened to and supported throughout the entire process by officers and our partner agencies, and together we will bring the perpetrator to justice.”

Sex offender jailed for nine years

Bernard Callaghan has been jailed for nine years for a series of sexual offences which took place in the Fife, Edinburgh and East Lothian areas.

The 53-year-old targeted three women over a 15-year period from 2007 to 2022.

Callaghan was found guilty at the High Court in Edinburgh on Monday, 4 March, 2024, and returned for sentencing today, Wednesday, 17 April.

Detective Sergeant Craig Donnelly from Police Scotland’s Public Protection Unit said: “Bernard Callaghan is a very dangerous individual who is now being held accountable for his despicable behaviour towards the three victims.

“Their experiences will undoubtedly have left a lasting impact however I hope that today’s outcome provides them with some degree of closure and helps them to move on with their lives.

“Police Scotland takes all reports of sexual abuse extremely seriously and we will work with victims to thoroughly investigate and bring perpetrators to justice.

“We would encourage anyone who has, or is experiencing this type of crime, to have the confidence to come forward and make a report to Police Scotland on 101.

“There is no time limit on reporting and no matter when the abuse occurred you will be listened to, you will be supported and together we will bring the perpetrator to justice.”

Man jailed for 14 years for series of serious sexual assaults in Edinburgh

A man who was convicted of multiple serious sexual assaults and assaults has been jailed for 14 years. Barry Ingleson, 38, was convicted following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh on Friday, 17 March, 2023.

He was sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow today, Tuesday, 18 April, 2023.

The offences, which were committed against four women, took place between August 2009 and August 2020 in the Edinburgh area.

Detective Inspector George Calder said: “Barry Ingleson ( above) is now facing the consequences of his actions and I welcome the significant custodial sentence he has been handed today.

“His behaviour towards women has been disgraceful and I would like to pay tribute to those affected by his horrific actions and commend the strength they have shown to report the abuse they suffered.

“I hope today’s outcome will give them some form of comfort and closure to put their ordeals behind them.

“This conviction and sentence sends a clear message to all perpetrators that all reports of sexual abuse will be thoroughly investigated by Police Scotland irrespective of the passage in time, and victims will be supported throughout.”

Should you wish to report a sexual crime to Police Scotland, then please do so by contacting officers on 101, or by making an anonymous report to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Sex offender Charters will be ‘monitored for the rest of his life’

Police Scotland has commented on the sentencing yesterday of Stephen Charters at the High Court in Edinburgh for a series of non-recent sexual offences, including rape.

Charters, 57, was found guilty of the offences against four women in Edinburgh, committed between November 1984 and October 2015, at the High Court in July 2021.

He was sentenced to five years in prison yesterday and given an Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) – one of the most unique sentences that can be given for non-murder cases. This means he will be subject to conditions and monitoring for the rest of his life.

Detective Inspector Jonny Wright said: “I would like to commend the victims for coming forward. Despite the passage of time, they were able to give us information which allowed detectives to carry out this investigation. Had it not been for their bravery in coming forward and giving evidence in court, Charters could have gone unpunished.

“Charters denied these crimes, but extensive work carried out by officers and partners, including the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), means that he has now been brought to justice.

“This case is an example of no matter when the incident happened, Police Scotland will always thoroughly investigate and we are here to listen and support victims and have specially trained officers to carry out enquiries.

“We continue to be committed to bringing all perpetrators of sexual abuse to justice and time is no barrier for our enquiries. I would urge anyone who wishes to report sexual crime, regardless of when it happened, to contact us so we can conduct a thorough and professional investigation.”