Holyrood committee launch public consultation on legislation addressing unsafe cladding after Grenfell tragedy

A Holyrood Committee has launched a new call for views on legislation which would give Scottish Ministers new powers to assess and remediate buildings in Scotland with unsafe cladding, following the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire.

The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee, which is leading scrutiny of the plans, has now launched a public consultation on the Scottish Government’s Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill.

The legislation seeks to give Scottish Ministers powers to assess and remediate buildings with unsafe cladding, including where consent of the owners cannot be provided.

Under proposals in the Bill, the Scottish Government would also create and maintain a Cladding Assurance Register to give residents confidence about the assessment and works undertaken once those buildings are remediated.

The Bill would also give Ministers the power to establish a Responsible Developers Scheme, to support engagement by developers and encourage them to pay for or carry out remediation work.

Such a scheme would likely include agreement to pay for remediation costs by developers, with potential sanctions for developers that are eligible but do not join or fail to comply with the terms of membership.

As the Scottish Government has not carried out public consultation on the Bill, the Committee’s call for views will be critical in providing stakeholders including owners and residents of properties in buildings with potentially unsafe cladding, developers, insurers, surveyors, and fire safety experts an opportunity to comment on the proposals.

The call for views is open now and will run until Friday 8th December 2023.

Committee Convener, Ariane Burgess MSP, said: “Cladding was a major contributing factor to the fire which destroyed Grenfell Tower in June 2017, one of the UK’s worst modern disasters.

“We’ve launched our call for views on the Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill, as it provides the first opportunity for public input on the proposals.

“It’s vital that we hear from the owners and residents of property in buildings with potentially unsafe cladding, to hear if this Bill addresses their concerns, as well as from industry professionals and developers about their views.

“The Committee understands the urgency in addressing the issue of unsafe cladding, and this Bill represents a critical step towards achieving safer conditions for all those affected.”

Holyrood’s Finance Committee calls for long-term planning to ensure fiscal sustainability

The Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee is not convinced the Scottish Government is carrying out enough long-term financial planning to ensure Scotland’s fiscal sustainability.

On the Scottish Government’s public service reform programme, the committee says it has no overall strategic purpose with limited oversight and direction from government. 

Finance and Public Administration Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson MSP said: “As the Scottish Budget approaches, we’ve seen little evidence to suggest a shift away from the Scottish Government’s short-term approach towards financial planning; an approach hampered by reliance on one year UK financial settlements.  

“We therefore strongly recommend that the Scottish Government produces a full response to the Scottish Fiscal Commission’s sustainability report, setting out the actions it will take to address the longer-term challenges ahead. 

“We are also concerned that the UK Government’s decision not to inflation proof capital funding available to Scottish Ministers will mean a 16% reduction in 2028-29 compared to this financial year, at a time when governments need to invest in infrastructure to stimulate economic growth. 

“The creation of a Scottish Government advisory group on taxation is welcome. Given the financial challenges ahead, it is imperative that their work to create a clear taxation strategy for Scotland proceeds at pace.” 

On the government’s public service reform programme, Mr Gibson said: “We are concerned that the focus of the government’s reform programme has changed multiple times since May 2022, as have the timescales for publishing further detail on what it will entail.  

“Given the financial challenges facing the Scottish Budget, this represents a missed opportunity to be further along the path to delivering more effective and sustainable public services.  

“The recommendations in our report aim to bring much-needed impetus, focus and direction to the Scottish Government’s reform programme.” 

Read the full report:

Pre-Budget 2024-25 Report on the Sustainability of Scotland’s Finances

Wellbeing: Boyack takes the initiative with Members’ Bill

Scottish Labour’s Sarah Boyack MSP has today lodged her final proposal for her Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Members’ Bill.

Despite ’empty promises’ for action from the SNP-led Scottish Government to legislate in this area there have been no tangible results to date.

As a result Sarah Boyack MSP has taken the initiative and pursued this issue as a Members Bill.

The lodging of the members’ bill follows an extensive consultation process which confirmed overwhelming support from stakeholders and constituents for all aspects of Ms Boyack’s Bill.

Scottish Labour’s Sarah Boyack explained: “Over 100 organisations called for this action in the run up to the 2021 elections. My Members’ Bill will end short-termism in the Scottish Government, and commit to the long-term thinking and action that has Wellbeing and Sustainable Development at its heart.

“Successive Programmes for Government have promised a bill of this nature, but as always its warm words and little action from the SNP.

“After a long and comprehensive consultation process it is clear that there is overwhelming support for action and a new Future Generations Commissioner and I encourage all members to support my bill now that it has been lodged”.

Also commenting Sarah Davidson, Chief Executive of Carnegie UK, said: “New wellbeing laws in Scotland would help to hardwire long-term thinking into our political and governmental decision-making.

“Backed by a new Future Generations Commissioner, the legal framework would help our decision-makers to look toward the horizon as well as deal with current emergencies.

“We’d urge MSPs from across the political spectrum to back these moves to help us to tackle the biggest challenges of our time.”

Islamophobia Awareness Month 2023: Council and Police Scotland issue joint statement

Following the decision of the Policy and Sustainability Committee on October 24, 2023 it was agreed that the Council and Police Scotland would issue a joint statement for Islamophobia Awareness Month.

Joint statement from Councillor Cammy Day, Leader of City of Edinburgh Council, and Edinburgh Divisional Commander, Chief Superintendent Sean Scott from Police Scotland: 

Edinburgh is characterised and strengthened by its diversity across our communities, and we remain committed to ensuring that the Capital remains a safe, tolerant, and welcoming city for all.

‘We are unequivocal in our condemnation of all prejudice and intolerance – neither of which have any place here in Edinburgh or across our society.

‘We acknowledge the impact of hate incidents and crimes on victims, their families, and wider communities and will work together with them to tackle Islamophobia and all other forms of hate crime.

‘We will continue to work with groups who have lived experience of Islamophobia, and we will use their insights to further inform our work. Engagement with these communities is rightly at the heart of our approach to tackling discrimination and reassuring our residents.

‘We know that hate crime is under-reported and we are working closely with victims, communities, and partners to build confidence in the process and its outcomes.  If you are affected by hate or know of someone who is, please report it. Find out about the different ways to report hate incidents.

‘Within both our own organisations, we are fully committed to broadening our understanding of Islam and combatting Islamophobia through a range of learning and development activities, such as community visits, webinars, and workshops.

‘Please get in touch if you need our help or if you would like to work with us on stamping Islamophobia out once and for all.’

Read the full report ‘Islamophobia – update on engagement’ from the Policy and Sustainability Committee on October 24, 2023. 

Islamophobia Awareness Month 2023 

This week marks the start of Islamophobia Awareness Month (IAM) 2023, which aims to raise awareness of Islamophobia and its prevalence in Scotland.

Figures show that many people are still subject to Islamophobic abuse, which can include harassment, hate speech, violent attacks, religious profiling and being prejudiced against Muslims. IAM seeks to demonstrate the effect of Islamophobia and how it can be tackled, in addition to the positive contributions of Muslims in the UK. 

The Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group (CPG) on Challenging Racial & Religious Prejudice recently received an update on its 2021 inquiry into Islamophobia in Scotland.

The 2021 inquiry found that 75% of Muslims say that Islamophobia is a regular or everyday issue in Scottish society. 78% of Muslims in Scotland believed that Islamophobia was getting worse, which rose to 82% of Muslim respondents with a Glasgow postcode.

Over 80% of all Muslim respondents to the survey have a friend or family member who has experienced Islamophobia. 

The update received by the CPG earlier this week re-launched the Islamophobia Inquiry recommendations, with Convener Foysol Choudhury MSP highlighting that Islamophobia is still a prevalent issue in Scotland and that key recommendations such as improving on the reporting and recording of Islamophobia in schools should be urgently progressed. 

Lothian MSP Foysol Choudhury, who is the new Convener of the CPG taking over from colleague Anas Sarwar MSP, is encouraging constituents to talk about these experiences during Islamophobia Awareness Month, to raise awareness that these problems do exist and people are facing them daily. 

 Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “Islamophobia is still such a big issue for all Muslims and we need to find a way to eradicate the abuse and hatred urgently, to help those who face issues with Islamophobia on a daily basis. 

“I have been raising in the Scottish Parliament the issue of how the Scottish Government will ensure that all police officers will be able to fully investigate all reported hate crimes, so people will then hopefully feel more comfortable going to the police about the abuse and hatred they receive.” 

Following his previous work on Islamophobia, Foysol Choudhury is continuing to encourage people this month to share their experiences and speak out:  “I really want to make sure people feel enabled to speak out about their issues, to give support to those who face hate or abuse because of their membership to religious communities.  

“It is my hope that this will then create a more peaceful Scotland for everyone, free from any kind of religious intolerance or hatred.” 

Holyrood launches inquiry into Additional Support for Learning

The services that schools and local authorities provide to children and young people with additional support needs will be scrutinised by the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee.

More than a third of children and young people in Scotland’s public and grant-maintained schools have an identified additional support need. Working under the direction of the Scottish Government’s policies, local authorities are responsible for identifying, providing and reviewing the additional support needs of children and young people.

The Committee is launching its inquiry with a call for people to share their experiences of how services are provided to people with additional support needs. The Committee is keen to hear from parents, teachers, support staff, carers, pupils themselves and support organisations.

The inquiry will consider how Scottish legislation that aimed to support children and young people, including 2004’s Additional Support for Learning Act, has been implemented and is working in practice.

The Committee is particularly interested in hearing views about the presumption that children and young people should receive a ‘mainstream education’, which aims to ensure they could be included alongside their peers; the impact of COVID-19 on the availability of additional support; and what happens when people are in dispute with their local authority over the services provided to a child or young person.

Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, said: “Earlier this year, the Additional Support for Learning Project Board told us about its role in improving the support that is available for children with additional support needs, but it acknowledged that there is not a quick fix to the recommendations laid out by the Morgan Review.

“We would like to hear what people with additional support needs, parents and carers, teachers and support organisations make of the current system and the services that local authorities and schools provide.

“If you have experience of accessing additional support for learning in mainstream education or a specialist unit, views on the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of additional support for learning, or have been involved in discussions about the support a child or young person receives, please get in touch.”

The Committee’s call for views, which is now open, will close on 31 December 2023. Variations of the call for views are available in an Easy Read format and British Sign Language.

Holyrood seeks views on Abortion Safe Access Zone Bill

The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is seeking views on a new Bill which would establish ‘safe access zones’ around locations where abortion services are provided, what it calls ‘protected premises’.

If passed, the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Scotland Bill, introduced by Gillian Mackay MSP, would make it an offence to behave in certain ways within a safe access zone.

Examples of behaviour that could be considered an offence include influencing a person’s decision to access services, preventing them from accessing those services, or causing harassment or distress while doing so.

The Bill also makes it an offence for someone within 200 metres of protected premises but not on public land (and so not within the safe access zone) to act in a way that might result in pressure or distress for someone within a safe access zone who is accessing abortion services.  

Fines of up to £10,000 could be issued for those convicted of disrupting people within safe access zones attempting to access abortion services. However, in very serious cases, there would be no limit on the fine.

The Bill also creates provision for future protected premises to be created, and for the safe access zone radius surrounding a protected premises to be extended or reduced, if appropriate. 

Speaking as the call for views was launched, Clare Haughey MSP, Convener of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, said: “We recognise the strength of feeling about this Bill. As a Committee we always aim to consider any Bill or issue in a careful, balanced and thorough way.

“We are committed to ensuring we scrutinise this Bill in detail so that we can hear and consider all views.

“The Bill’s stated aim is to ensure that people can access abortion services without fear of, and free from, intimidation, harassment or public judgement.

“We want to hear views from individuals and organisations on whether they agree with the proposals within this Bill and if they would welcome the changes it would bring about.”

Give your views to the Committee using the online survey

The call for views closes on 20th December.

Disability Bill will not fully achieve it’s aims, says Holyrood Committee

A Bill that seeks to improve disabled children and young people’s transition to adulthood would not fully achieve its aims, according to report from Holyrood’s Education, Children and Young People Committee.

The Committee has been scrutinising the Disabled, Children and Young People (Transitions to Adulthood) (Scotland) Bill.

While the Committee is supportive of the aims of the Bill, it is not convinced that it will resolve the issues being experienced by disabled young people. 

During its inquiry, the Committee repeatedly heard about the challenges faced by disabled young people and their families. They said they often did not feel they were listened to by professionals, found there was nobody to take the lead on transitions and felt there was a disconnect between children’s and adult services.

Furthermore, many witnesses, including professionals working to support disabled young people, characterised the current legislative landscape as complex, cluttered and difficult to navigate.

The Committee heard that whilst the Bill sought to address this, several aspects of the Bill risked inadvertently complicating this landscape further. 

The Committee recognises, however, that doing nothing is not an option and makes a series of recommendations setting out which changes to current practice are urgently required.

During its inquiry, the Committee was also told that existing legislation and policies suffered from an ‘implementation gap’ due to limitations in resources, inconsistent practices, organisational cultures and difficulties with information sharing.

Commenting on the publication of the report, Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, said: “We want to see the support available for disabled children and young people’s transition to adulthood improve and commend the Member for her work in bringing forward this legislation.

“This Bill has shone a light on the challenges faced by disabled young people and their families.

“However, the views we heard during our inquiry were clear. The Bill is unlikely to resolve the substantial issues that families with disabled young people are facing. The Scottish Government must urgently act to fix these issues.”

Martin Whitfield MSP dissented from the following sentence within the report:
“However, for the reasons set out in this report, the Committee is not convinced that the general principles should be agreed.”

Briggs: Reduction in people receiving alcohol treatment ‘deeply troubling’

  • Reduction in people receiving alcohol treatment in Lothian
  • A 1,000 fewer people receiving treatment compared to eight years ago
  • Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP for Lothian Miles Briggs says the fall in the number of people starting alcohol treatment in NHS Lothian over the last decade is “deeply troubling.”

Figures obtained by Scottish Conservative MSP Miles Briggs, from SNP Drugs and Alcohol Minister Elena Whitham, show that across Scotland the number receiving treatment has fallen by a staggering 40 per cent.

In 2013/14, 32,556 accessed alcohol treatment programmes, but by 2021/22 that figure had dropped to 19,617.

In Lothian there has been a 30% percentage drop in those accessing programme.

In 2013/14 in Lothian 3303 accessed programmes, but in 2021/22 that figure stood at only 2303 – a drop of 1000 people.

These figures follow news that the highest number of Scots since 2008 have lost their lives to alcohol in the last year at 1,276.

In the light of these figures, Mr. Briggs has now demanded that SNP ministers back the Right to Recovery Bill in Parliament.

That would enshrine in law a right to access treatment for anyone in Scotland who needs it most.

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP Miles Briggs said: “The drop in the number of people accessing alcohol treatment programme in Lothian is something I find deeply troubling.

“It is a shameful reflection of how the SNP have mishandled Scotland’s problems with alcohol that there has been a 30% decrease in the numbers accessing treatment programmes since 2013/14.

“This fall is replicated right across the country, and it is astounding that SNP ministers would allow treatment places to be so dramatically reduced at a time when alcohol deaths across the country are at their highest level since 2008.

“This latest example of incompetence will come as no surprise to anyone witness to the SNP’s failure to tackle Scotland’s drug death emergency, and once again it is the most deprived people in Lothian that these cuts are harming the most.

“These concerning findings only reaffirm the need for SNP ministers to finally back the Right to Recovery Bill.

“This legislation would enshrine in law the right for those suffering from addiction in Lothian to receive potentially life-saving treatment and has been backed by frontline experts and charities.

“I will continue to put pressure on the SNP-Green government to give this bill their backing, so it becomes law as quickly as possible.”

Ayrshire and Arran: 2013/14 (4777 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (1546 patients received treatment)- decrease of 13%

Borders: 2013/14 (431 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (310 patients received treatment) Down 28%

Dumfries and Galloway 2013/14 (922 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (918 patients received treatment) Down 0.4%

Fife 2013/14 (1635 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (1092 patients received treatment) Down 38%

Forth Valley 2013/14 (1491 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (773 patients received treatment) Down 48%

Grampian 2013/14 (1761 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (1214 patients received treatment) Down 31%

Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2013/14 (11895 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (4901 patients received treatment) Down 59%

Highland 2013/14 (1531 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (735 patients received treatment) Down 52%

Lanarkshire 2013/14 (5727 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (4789 patients received treatment) Down 16%

Lothian 2013/14 (3303 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (2303 patients received treatment) Down 30%

Orkney 2013/14 (54 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (23 patients received treatment) Down 57%

Shetland 2013/14 (73 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (54 patients received treatment) Down 26%

Tayside 2013/14 (1651 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (912 patients received treatment) Down 44%

Western Isles 2013/14 (305 patients received treatment) 2021/22 (47 patients received treatment) Down 84%

Briggs disappointment over Sheriffhall Roundabout inaction

Last week at the Scottish Parliament, Lothian MSP Miles Briggs called on SNP and Green Ministers to progress the A720 Sherrifhall roundabout.

At the start of February this year a Public Local Inquiry was carried out, to address objections which were received in relation to the project.

In his question, Mr Briggs asked if the Scottish Government has received any recommendations from the independent reporter.

In response, Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop, said: “The Scottish Government has not yet received any recommendations from the independent reporter regarding the A720 Sherrifhall roundabout following that public inquiry, held between the 31st January and the 8th February 2023.”

Mr Briggs has previously called on SNP and Green Ministers to make progress on upgrades to the junction, with £120 million being earmarked for the project as part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

The announcement on Thursday by Audit Scotland that the Scottish Government will not meet their infrastructure goals has raised concerns over the delivery of the project.

Lothian MSP Miles’ Briggs said: “I am disappointed to hear that and I think that people across Edinburgh and the Lothians and the South of Scotland as well, will really be wanting to see when those will be given to Ministers and how fast we can see this progress, because we need the A720 Sherrifhall roundabout to be upgraded.

“It is now over five years since the Sherrifhall Roundabout was included in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal. We need to see this upgrade urgently progressed.”

Consultation open for Desecration of War Memorials Prevention (Scotland) Bill

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Meghan Gallacher MSP yesterday (Wednesday) launched her Proposed Desecration of War Memorials Prevention Scotland Members Bill for consultation at Holyrood.

The legislation would ensure that attacks on war memorials – which have been on the rise over the last decade – are actively discouraged by amending vandalism law to recognise the desecration of these monuments as a specific offence, which would bring Scotland into line with England and Wales.

The consultation will run from now until December 19.

In the early hours of Monday 14th November the war memorial in front of Edinburgh City Council was vandalised in what was a mindless act of vandalism.

Miles Briggs asked an FMQ at the Scottish Parliament that Thursday describing the incident as an “absolutely appalling insult to our fallen war heroes”.

Groups including the Friends of Dennistoun War Memorial have campaigned tirelessly for this legislation, which has also secured the support of veterans’ organisations, past and present British Armed Forces personnel – including Simon Weston – veterans campaigners, community action groups, and leading veteran charities.

Miles Briggs is now encouraging people to make their views known through the consultation so that Scotland’s War Memorials will receive the protection that they deserve.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “I fully support my colleague Meghan Gallacher’s proposed bill to protect our war memorials in Scotland.

“Vandalising war memorials is an abhorrent act and those who damage these memorials should be punished appropriately.

“I encourage everyone in the Lothians to engage with this consultation to prevent our war memorials from being vandalised .”