Boundaries Scotland are reviewing Scottish Parliament boundaries to make them more fair.
The Second Review of Scottish Parliament Boundaries started in September 2022. In early 2023 and again in April/May 2024 we consulted on proposals for constituency boundaries and names.
We are now consulting on Provisional Proposals for region boundaries and names.
The rules that govern Scottish Parliament region design are
- a constituency must fall wholly within a region.
- the electorate of a region must be as near the regional electorate of each of the other regions as is practicable, having regard (where appropriate) to special geographical considerations.
Why is this happening?
Boundaries Scotland undertakes reviews of Scottish Parliament boundaries every 8 -12 years to ensure each region or constituency has an equal number of electors.
What Boundaries Scotland says
We now want to hear the views of the public on our proposals, we will reflect on responses to the consultation and make changes where appropriate and where the legislation allows us to do so. We strongly encourage people to make their views heard.
Why your views matter
Your views play a vital role in shaping our boundaries and they also provide important local knowledge to help us improve our proposals.
We are also consulting on our Further Proposals for Scottish Parliament Constituencies. Click here to take part in that consultation.
Give us your views on our Provisional Proposals for Regions