More women taking part in breast screening programme

New statistics show increase in uptake of appointments in Scotland

The number of women being tested for breast cancer is at its highest ever level in Scotland.

More than three in four women (75.9%) took up their screening invitations over the three-year period 2020 to 2023, Scottish breast screening programme statistics indicate.

This is an increase on the previous three-year period (2019-22) when uptake was 74.5% and pre-pandemic (2017-20) when uptake was 72.2%.

The figures also show that all NHS boards individually have met the acceptable uptake standard of 70% for a second year in a row.

Women’s Health Minister Jenni Minto said: “I am pleased that more women are attending breast screening appointments and that boards have individually met their target for a second year in a row.

“However, there is more work to be done to reach the achievable target of 80% and to encourage people from more deprived areas to attend their appointments.

“We will continue to work with health boards to encourage more women to participate in breast screening and address any barriers they may face in doing so.”

Breast screening is offered to women aged 50 to 70 approximately every 36 months. This is in line with the recommendation from the UK National Screening Committee. Screening was paused between March and August 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The programme continues to offer appointments at six breast screening centres across Scotland, as well as the mobile screening units which allow women in more remote areas to access screening more easily.

Justice for Post Office Horizon victims in Scotland

Bill to exonerate wrongly convicted sub-postmasters

Sub-postmasters wrongly convicted as a result of the faulty Horizon IT system will automatically be exonerated under proposed legislation introduced to the Scottish Parliament today.

Those whose convictions are quashed under the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill will then be able to access the UK Government financial redress scheme.

The Bill’s passage through the Scottish Parliament will be expedited to allow justice and redress to be delivered to victims as swiftly as possible in line with the UK Bill, which was not extended to cover sub-postmasters in Scotland.

Justice Secretary Angela Constance said: “Innocent sub-postmasters had their lives ruined by being wrongly convicted of offences of dishonesty on the evidence of the faulty Post Office Horizon system.

“The quickest, easiest route to overturn these miscarriages of justice would have been for the UK Government to extend their Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill to cover sub-postmasters in Scotland.

“However, our repeated requests for this were refused. Our Bill, therefore, mirrors that of UK legislation to ensure parity for affected sub-postmasters in Scotland with those elsewhere in the UK and to ensure access to the UK Government’s compensation scheme.

“The scale of the scandal and the length of time that the victims have waited for justice means we are taking an unprecedented step of introducing legislation to right this terrible wrong and asking Parliament for it to be processed as an emergency Bill.

“The Scottish Government will not do anything to jeopardise equality and parity for victims, so the final stage of the Bill cannot be considered in the Scottish Parliament until after the UK legislation has been passed. This will ensure that MSPs can take account of any amendments made to the UK Bill.”

If passed, the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill will mean relevant convictions are automatically quashed on the day the legislation comes into force and those exonerated will then be able to access the UK Government financial redress scheme, in line with its requirements.

The legislation will exonerate convicted sub-postmasters where the following criteria are met:

  • the conviction was for embezzlement, fraud, theft, uttering or an ancillary offence committed between 23 September 1996 and 31 December 2018
  • the person was carrying on a Post Office business, or working in a Post Office for the purpose of a Post Office business
  • the conviction was in connection with carrying on, or working for the purpose of the Post Office business
  • the Horizon system was being used for the purposes of the Post Office business in the relevant Post Office
  • the conviction has not been considered by the High Court in connection with an appeal.

Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill

Once a Scottish Government Bill is introduced, responsibility for the scrutiny process, including timescales, rests with the Parliament. The Stage 1 debate and vote on the general principles of the Bill is expected to take place in the Scottish Parliament on 21 May; Stage 2 amendments will be considered on 22 May.

Network of electric vehicle chargers extended for car club users

Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop joined Edinburgh’s Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Scott Arthur yesterday to launch 72 new electric charging bays installed by the Council.

Transport Scotland has provided the Council with funding for the new bays to be used by the local authority’s current car club provider, Enterprise Car Club. The first phase of 20 chargers (40 charging bays) has been installed with the rest due to be rolled out by the end of this year allowing Enterprise Car Club to provide in Edinburgh, their biggest electric car club fleet for a single local borough or council in the UK.

As well as benefiting existing members, the new car club chargers and electric vehicles provide opportunities for new users to try out and use electric vehicles without needing to own their own vehicle. This offers significant cost savings to users, as well as helping to improve congestion and air quality within Edinburgh, with car club vehicles compliant within the Low Emission Zone which will be enforced from June 2024.

The Council has delivered over 100 electric vehicle chargers since 2022 with funding from Transport Scotland and the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles. This roll-out is designed to encourage and support the take-up of cleaner, low emission electric vehicles.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “It’s great to see that we have extended the network of electric vehicle chargers across Edinburgh to include car club users in the city.

“Residents now have access to this modernised, cleaner and even more environmentally friendly form of cost-effective electric mobility. Motor transport contributes significantly to carbon emissions, and the switch to more sustainable transport is essential to achieving the city’s Net Zero target.

“The new chargers and vehicles also align with our City Mobility Plan to improve our transport system to make it cleaner and more sustainable, and create safe, attractive, and healthy streets and spaces for people to walk, wheel, cycle in and enjoy.”

Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop said: “I’m pleased that Scottish Government funding continues to support real alternatives to car ownership for people and communities.

“By supporting EV car clubs, people can experience the benefits of modern zero emission vehicles at a fraction of the cost required to purchase or lease their own vehicle.

“This helps those who only need a car occasionally, which is valuable in terms of encouraging a more sustainable transport network and reducing overall car use – improving air quality and road safety, all while reducing emissions and congestion.”

Find out more about becoming a car club member. 

Where to find car club charging points across Edinburgh.

Where to find charging points across Edinburgh

First meeting of Scotland’s new cabinet takes place this morning

FM John Swinney chairs Cabinet before visits focused on jobs, NHS and transport

First Minister John Swinney will chair his first Cabinet meeting at Bute House, Edinburgh, this morning, ahead of a series of visits in the afternoon.

Mr Swinney was officially sworn in as Scotland’s seventh First Minister and appointed his Cabinet on Wednesday.

Later today he will meet health staff at St John’s Hospital, Livingston, see near completed works on the Levenmouth Rail Link in Fife, and visit IGS, a highly successful international vertical farm company in Dundee.

The First Minister said: “Today, my colleagues and I embark on a new chapter as we collectively work to build a better, brighter future for the people of Scotland.

“It is my greatest honour to lead us forward on that journey – one that will drive economic growth, tackle the climate crisis and eradicate the scourge of child poverty in our country once and for all.

“I know our health service is operating under sustained pressure and I am absolutely committed to working with health boards to improve standards – starting with our recent £30 million investment to drive down waiting times.

“We will also build on our investment and track record on major infrastructure projects.

“I’m pleased to also be able to visit one example of that record – the Levenmouth Rail Link, a line which will reconnect local communities for the first time in 50 years, and make a real contribution to the Government’s net-zero transport ambitions.

“And I pledge that I will stand with Scotland’s businesses, large and small, and do whatever I can to help them to grow, innovate, and boost our economy for the benefit of those who live here.”

John Swinney picks his team

Cabinet of 11 will be supported by 14 Ministers

First Minister John Swinney has completed the appointment of his ministerial team. Consisting of 11 Cabinet Secretaries, including the First Minister, the Scottish Cabinet will be supported by 14 Ministers.

This reduces the size of the Scottish Government by four since the start of the year.

Ivan McKee has returned to Government as Minister for Public Finance. Minister for Parliamentary Business George Adam, Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees Emma Roddick, and Minister for Local Government Empowerment & Planning Joe FitzPatrick have stepped down from their previous roles.

First Minister John Swinney 

Minister for Parliamentary Business Jamie Hepburn

Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic Kate Forbes

Minister for Business Richard Lochhead

Minister for Employment and Investment Tom Arthur

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government Shona Robison

Minister for Public Finance Ivan McKee 

Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills Jenny Gilruth

Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise Natalie Don   

Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans Graeme Dey

Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs Angela Constance

Minister for Victims and Community Safety Siobhian Brown  

Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy Màiri McAllan

Minister for Climate Action Gillian Martin

Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop

Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity Jim Fairlie (reporting jointly to the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands)

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care Neil Gray   

Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health Jenni Minto

Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport Maree Todd  

Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy Christina McKelvie

Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Shirley-Anne Somerville

Minister for Equalities Kaukab Stewart             

Minister for Housing Paul McLennan

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands Mairi Gougeon

Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity Jim Fairlie (reporting jointly to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport)   

Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture Angus Robertson

Parliament will be asked to approve the new Ministerial appointments. A detailed breakdown of ministerial responsibilities will be published in due course. 

New First Minister for Scotland


John Swinney has been nominated as the seventh First Minister of Scotland, following a vote in the Scottish Parliament yesterday. 

MSPs voted 64 to 57 to select Mr Swinney as First Minister from a total of four nominees. There were seven abstentions.

He will be officially sworn in at the Court of Session today (Wednesday), where he will take the Official Oath in front of the Lord President of the Court of Session and other senior judges. 

First Minister-designate John Swinney said: “It is an extraordinary privilege and it is my honour to accept the office of First Minister, committing myself to do the best I can for Scotland.

“I will be unapologetic about bringing to this Parliament the measures we can take to eradicate child poverty and I look forward to seeking the support of others to achieve that aim. I recognise, that is how it is going to have to work. I am leading a minority Government. I will need to reach out to others to make things happen.

If we want to fund our schools and our hospitals, if we want to give our businesses a competitive edge, if we want to take climate action, if we want to eradicate child poverty, if we want to change people’s lives for the better, we have to work together to do so.

“I commit my Government to working to create that agreement across the Chamber. I hope there is the space and the willingness for that to happen in the interests of the people who sent us here.

“To the people of Scotland I would simply say this. I offer myself to be the First Minister for everyone in Scotland. I am here to serve you. I will give everything I have to build the best future for our country.”

Humzah Yousaf tenders resignation to King Charles

EARLIER yesterday Humza Yousaf, the youngest and first person of colour to hold the office of Scotland’s First Minister has formally stepped down. At his time of appointment, he was the first Muslim leader of any Western nation.

Following the First Minister’s election in March last year, he announced his intention to stand down last week, remaining in post until a new First Minister was appointed.  

Mr Yousaf officially tendered his resignation in writing today to His Majesty King Charles III which has been accepted and the Scottish Parliament notified.  

Humza Yousaf said:  “Being the First Minister of the country I love, the country I am raising my family in, and the only country I will ever call home has been a phenomenal honour.  

“As a young Muslim boy, born and raised in Scotland, I could never have dreamt that one day I would have the privilege of leading my country – people who looked like me, were not in positions of political influence, let alone leading governments when I was younger.  

“I am proud to have delivered a council tax freeze for households in every local authority in Scotland, invested record amounts in our National Health Service, removed peak fares on our railways, and approved plans for Europe’s largest floating offshore windfarm. And through our actions, an estimated 100,000 children are expected to be kept out of poverty this year.

“From the backbenches of the Scottish Parliament, I will continue to champion the rights and the voices of those who are often not heard, be they at home or abroad.”   

First Minister Humza Yousaf’s letter to His Majesty King Charles III:  

Your Majesty,

With my humble duty, I write as anticipated in my letter to Your Majesty of 29 April to tender to Your Majesty my resignation from the office of First Minister.  I propose that my resignation take effect from the start of Scottish parliamentary plenary business on Tuesday 7 May 2024.

Throughout my time as First Minister, I have been most grateful for your counsel and the kindness you have shown to both Nadia and I.

It has been my pleasure to serve Your Majesty and the people of Scotland since March 2023.   

Humza Yousaf 

Applications for Firework Control Zones in Edinburgh now open

Community groups in Edinburgh can now apply to have a Firework Control Zone (FCZ) in their local area.

The Scottish Government has brought into place powers for local authorities to implement FCZs, under the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022.

A FCZ is a specified area within a local authority. Under the legislation it is a criminal offence for a member of the public to use a firework within a FCZ. Organised public displays will still be permitted.

Communities can ask for a FCZ to be considered for the following reasons: misuse of fireworks, injuries from fireworks, impact on vulnerable groups, environmental protection, and animal welfare.

To apply please email for an application pack. Full guidance for applications is available on our website.

Community groups have until June 30, 2024, to submit their FCZ applications.

Applications will then be reviewed by the Council in conjunction with Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Following these reviews, there will then be a community consultation period within the proposed areas. The full decision list on FCZs in Edinburgh is due to be announced in October 2024.

For any questions on FCZs please contact:

Council Leader Cammy Day said:I’m really pleased that we’re reaching the next stage in implementing Fireworks Control Zones here in Edinburgh. We all remember vividly the shocking and unprecedented scenes we saw in Niddrie last year with emergency services being attacked and I’m determined to do everything within our power to prevent similar occurrences this November.

“Whilst these powers from the Scottish Government are welcome, I’ve been clear that we need to go further on the issue of fireworks and ban their public sale, such is the current risk to public safety and order.

“Alongside these measures, it’s more important than ever that we supplement these new powers with our ongoing community work. Over the coming months with our partners, we’ll be undertaking targeted engagement and intervention work in our schools, youth associations and wider communities.”

Thousands of carers in Scotland to get new benefit

Carer Support Payment extended to 10 new council areas

Thousands more unpaid carers in Scotland will be eligible for a new benefit, if regulations laid this week in the Scottish Parliament are approved. 

Carer Support Payment is the replacement for Carer’s Allowance in Scotland. It was first launched in November 2023 in three pilot areas, Perth & Kinross, Dundee City and Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles). 

It will be available in 10 new local authority areas this summer as part of the next phase of the roll-out, starting with North and South Lanarkshire and Angus on 24 June. From August it will extend to Fife, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray, and North, East and South Ayrshire and be available in the rest of Scotland in November. 

Eligible carers who live in areas where Carer Support Payment is not yet available are still being urged to still apply for Carer’s Allowance to make sure they don’t miss out on support. 

Since it launched Carer Support Payment, unlike Carer’s Allowance, is also available to carers aged 16-19 in full-time “advanced” education and carers aged over 20 in full-time education at any level.  

These regulations will see eligibility further extended to some 16-19-year-old carers in full-time “non-advanced” education, such as school, from 24 June. 

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Unpaid carers provide a huge amount of physical, mental and emotional support. The work they do is invaluable, both to the people they care for and to Scottish society as a whole. 

“I am therefore delighted we are ready to roll-out the next phase of Carer Support Payment, allowing thousands more unpaid carers to get the benefit 

“This is particularly important for those who aren’t eligible for Carer’s Allowance, but are eligible for Carer Support Payment, including many full-time students.  

“Having spoken to carers in the pilot areas, I know Carer Support Payment is not only providing financial support to students who couldn’t get it before, but it’s allowing carers to study full-time who never thought this would be possible. 

“I urge anyone who lives in an area where Carer Support Payment is available to apply for it as soon as possible.” 

Unique Assembly get green light to deliver Capital’s winter festivals for next three year

Councillors have today unanimously agreed to award the contract for the delivery of Edinburgh’s world-famous winter festivals for the next three years.

Subject to a ten-day standstill period, the contract will be awarded to a consortium led by Edinburgh-based event producers, Unique Assembly.

The contract covers the production and delivery of Edinburgh’s Christmas for 2024/25 and then for Edinburgh’s Christmas and Hogmanay festivals until 2026/27, with the opportunity for two optional twelve-month extensions. The delivery of Edinburgh’s Hogmanay for 2024/25 was already agreed in June 2022 and will also be undertaken by Unique Assembly.  

The procurement process followed a ‘lessons learned exercise’, which led to a renewed focus on bid quality and enhancements to the sustainability, environmental, and community impact requirements of bids.

The full report is available on the council website.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “I’d like to congratulate Unique Assembly following today’s unanimous decision by councillors. They bring decades of experience in delivering major events, including our own Winter Festivals, and I’m confident that they’ll provide a fantastic service to the city over the next three years. 

“The festivals occupy a central element in the cultural calendar of our city and delivering them well for our residents and visitors remains a key priority for us – not least given the huge enjoyment they bring each year.

“They also deliver substantial economic benefit for the city and for Scotland more widely, supporting jobs and businesses in many sectors most notably tourism, hospitality, and leisure.”

Protecting fans from ticket touts

Views sought on EURO 2028 legislation

Proposals which will help to protect people against the threat of ticket touts at UEFA EURO 2028 are the focus of a new consultation launched today.

Glasgow is one of 10 host cities for EURO 2028 and an expected three million tickets will go on sale for the whole tournament, allowing more fans than ever before access to a UEFA EURO tournament.

As part of the consultation, stakeholders are invited to share their insights about how effective the measures implemented during UEFA EURO 2020, which took place in 2021, were for both supporters and local businesses.

Europe Minister Kaukab Stewart said: “Glasgow has become one of the world’s top cities for staging major sporting events, and EURO 2028 will follow in the footsteps of the recent World Athletics Indoor Championships – these matches belong to everyone and it’s important we ensure tickets are accessible.

“This valuable consultation underlines our commitment to protecting Scottish people from the threat of ticket touts, ensuring fair and equitable access to EURO 2028 games in Scotland.

“I would encourage everybody with an interest in this eagerly awaited event to share their views and help to shape legislation ahead of EURO 2028 happening in Glasgow.”

The consultation period closes on 26 July and provides an opportunity for people to share their views to shape robust protection measures for those fans planning on attending the matches staged in Scotland.