Vassals of the Muir: Minister opens new Boroughmuir

The new Boroughmuir High School was officially opened at a special ceremony by the Minister for Higher and Further Education and Science Shirley-Anne Somerville yesterday. Ms Somerville was joined by Councillor Adam McVey, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, Deputy Leader Councillor Cammy Day, Education Vice Convener Councillor Alison Dickie and Head Teacher David Dempster.

New Boroughmuir High School
Continue reading Vassals of the Muir: Minister opens new Boroughmuir

Isn’t that just typical? You wait ages for a new school to come along, then three turn up at once!

It’s a High Schools hat trick!

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has led the opening of a hat-trick of new high school buildings as the total number of new or refurbished buildings exceeded 750 since 2007. Continue reading Isn’t that just typical? You wait ages for a new school to come along, then three turn up at once!

Hundreds of children set to learn how to stay safe around dogs during ‘Be Dog Smart’ week

Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, will be delivering dog safety workshops to children across Lothian this week (11th- 17th June) as part of its second annual Be Dog Smart week. Continue reading Hundreds of children set to learn how to stay safe around dogs during ‘Be Dog Smart’ week

New national school clothing grant

An estimated 120,000 families will benefit from a new £100 national minimum school clothing grant in Scotland as a result of partnership working between Scotland’s Local Authorities and the Scottish Government. It means for the first time all eligible families, regardless of their local authority area, will have access to the same minimum level of financial support for school clothing. Continue reading New national school clothing grant