Cammy Day opens Drum’s Red Sandstone building on Leith Walk

The renaissance of Leith Walk in Edinburgh is set to continue with the official launch of Drum Property Group’s ‘Red Sandstone’ building – now home to a range of exciting range of new shops, cafes and businesses.  

City of Edinburgh Council Leader, Cammy Day, formally opened the distinctive two-storey Scottish Art Deco building following a major refurbishment project. Known simply as The Red Sandstone, the building extends from 106 to 154 Leith Walk and provides a range of open-plan first floor business suites housed above a row of shops, cafes, restaurants and a popular bar and arts venue.

The opening of the building is set to capitalise on the renewed interest in Leith Walk following the launch of the new tramline connecting Edinburgh city centre with the port of Leith and Newhaven.

All 10 of the street-level retail units have now been fully let, with more than two-thirds of the first-floor office suites occupied by a range of small to medium sized independent businesses. 

The building’s tenants include Hobz Bakery, Cornelius Wines, Middle Eastern street food restaurant Sharawama, vintage clothing store Rhinestone Cowboys, Chorrito Sauce Company, pizzeria San Ciro’s and Zoomo, the E-bike sales and hire service.

They join Leith Depot, an established bar, restaurant and music venue which has been based at the location since 2015 and has now signed a new lease expanding the venue and extending its stay at the retail parade.

The Red Sandstone now forms a spectacular gateway to Drum’s £50 million transformation of the 2.9-acre Stead’s Place site, which will bring 148 new homes to the rear of the development linking Leith Walk to Pilrig Park when complete next year.  

Welcoming the opening of The Red Sandstone, Council Leader Cammy Day said: “With the tram service up and running, the regeneration of this section of Leith Walk couldn’t come at a better time.

“Drum was able to work closely with the community to revise their plans while creating this scheme and the result is a thriving and creative space. The existing occupiers and new units are clearly receiving lots of footfall already, which is great to see.”

Fife Hyland, Drum’s Operation Director added: “After a long period of community consultation and refurbishment, it’s testament to the revival of Leith Walk that the Red Sandstone building is now fully operational and buzzing with activity.

“With the tram now open and Leith Walk coming back to its bustling best, the building is set to fulfil its potential as a distinctive focal point and destination for the area.  

“We have been hugely encouraged with the high levels of occupier interest in the retail units, which are now all fully let, and in the office spaces above – of which we only have a few remaining suites available. 

The vibrant retail parade has a diverse range of independent traders including shops, cafés, restaurants and the ever-popular Leith Depot bar and arts venue, whilst the sympathetically restored office suites have proved very popular as a small business location in the diverse and dynamic community of Leith.

 The refurbished Red Sandstone building is now well set to play a key role in promoting the rich tradition of diversity and independence which makes Leith such an exciting destination in which to live, work and visit.”

Edinburgh businessman Aytac Gul has opened Middle Eastern street food restaurant Sharawama at The Red Sandstone, as well as operating the café space providing the entry point for the first-floor office suites. A

s the operator of some seven restaurants and cafes in the Leith area over the last 12 years, Aytac has witnessed many changes to the local neighbourhood.

“Leith Walk has undergone a radical transformation in the last decade,” he says. “It is now one of the most contemporary yet diverse streets in Edinburgh. It’s a genuinely cosmopolitan community which brings together a hugely diverse range of independent retailers, cafes and bars and is especially appealing to the younger generation looking for something a little different to the rest of the city, often providing better value and a more eclectic mix of attractions.

“The new tramline is now bringing more visitors and footfall to the area, especially when there are more shops, cafes, businesses and homes being created here, attracting more people from the city centre to venture further down Leith Walk.”

The last remaining office suites on the first floor of the Red Sandstone building are available for immediate occupancy.

For more information on The Red Sandstone and its office suites, visit or contact office agents Culverwell on 0131 243 9617.

Council green light for Drum’s Stead’s Place redevelopment

Drum Property Group’s vision for the long-awaited redevelopment of a key development site on Leith Walk is to become a reality following the granting of planning consent. 

Drum’s ambitious proposals for Stead’s Place, near the foot of Leith Walk, were approved by the City of Edinburgh Council today, heralding a major regeneration of the 2.9-acre site and bringing much-needed investment and interest to this important part of the city centre.   

The Stead’s Place site has been earmarked for development by the Council since 2008 and consists largely of an aged industrial estate and office space, together with a two-storey sandstone building facing directly on to Leith Walk. 

Drum will now replace the existing industrial units with 148 high-quality apartments, including 38 affordable homes, as part of an attractive landscaped residential scheme linking to Pilrig Park and beyond.

The sandstone building will be retained and refurbished and made available for commercial occupation, providing a vibrant local retail and business frontage onto Leith Walk.

The planning consent is the culmination of four years of research, planning and local community engagement by Drum since the company first purchased the site in 2017.

The current proposal follows a comprehensive six-month consultation programme with the local residential and business community, with almost three-quarters of those consulted either supportive or neutral about the revised plans.  

Welcoming the planning approval, Graeme Bone, Group Managing Director of Drum said: “Drum has worked hard to ensure our current proposals are aligned with the objectives and plans of local community groups.  

“We listened carefully to their views, enabling us to draw on the positive characteristics of the surrounding area to create a real sense of place that features a mix of private and affordable housing with a refurbished, vibrant and dynamic retail frontage facing Leith Walk. 

“Our proposals will replace old and tired industrial, office and retail space with new, more flexible, higher quality accommodation for people to live, work, shop, eat, drink and to be entertained in – as well as opening up a safe and landscaped thoroughfare connecting Leith Walk to Pilrig Park. 

“We believe we have responded directly to the objectives and vision the community has for the site. Our proposals now offer the optimum solution for all parties, providing a refurbished retail and office parade combined with a new community of housing to the rear, set in landscaped grounds, enhancing the area’s distinctive cultural feel and identity.” 

Drum is now committed to ensuring the shop frontages on to Leith Walk retain the current individual style and size, reflecting and supporting the current local small trader units at the site whilst refurbishing the office suites for rent on the first floor in a revamped business centre offering.  

Mr Bone added: “By retaining and refurbishing the red sandstone buildings facing on to Leith Walk, we are also contributing to the wider regeneration of the local area, providing investment to create an attractive and distinctive destination and focal point which is needed now, more than ever, as the local area recovers from lockdown and the new tram works are progressed. 

“Drum are now looking forward to building on the positive and productive relationships established over recent years to deliver a new development that continues the rich tradition of diversity, independence and interest which makes Leith Walk such an exciting destination in which to live, work and visit.” 

The planning consent follows a previous application submitted by Drum to the City of Edinburgh in 2018. 

Stead’s Place Development Timeline: 

2008 The 2.9-acre Stead’s Place site is first earmarked for development by the City of Edinburgh Council and becomes one of the city’s most prominent gap sites. 
Spring 2017 Drum Property Group purchases the site. 
Spring 2018 Drum launches a comprehensive consultation programme – including five days of public exhibitions and setting up a community liaison group 
August 2018 Drum submits a planning application to the City of Edinburgh Council for a £50 million mixed-use development plan comprising homes, student accommodation and a hotel – plus a row of retail and restaurant/café outlets overlooking Leith Walk replacing the original sandstone building. 
Nov 2018 Revised proposals are submitted reducing the Leith Walk elevation by one storey to keep the building in line with surrounding tenements. The revised proposals also include a more defined and distinct row for the sandstone retail units as well as increased provision for cyclists and pedestrians. The proposals receive more than 700 letters of public support. 
Jan 23  2019 The City of Edinburgh Council planning officers recommend approval for Drum’s revised planning application. 
Jan 30  2019 Despite the council planning officers recommending approval, Drum’s planning application is refused by the City of Edinburgh Council’s planning committee. 
May 2019 Drum lodges an appeal with the Scottish Government challenging the council’s decision not to grant planning approval for the revised planning application. 
Dec 2019 The Scottish Government Reporter decides not to uphold Drum’s appeal challenging the City of Edinburgh Council’s decision to refuse planning approval for the Stead’s Place development. 
April 2020 Drum launches a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) which retains the original sandstone building overlooking Leith Walk, which will be refurbished and made available for a range of commercial uses. The existing industrial units located behind Leith Walk are to be demolished and replaced with a new residential-led landscaped development linking to Pilrig Park and beyond. 
July 2020 Drum launches an online consultation programme in line with Scottish Government advice following the restrictions in public movement imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. 
Nov 2020  Following extensive feedback from the first online event, Drum launches a second online consultation event in advance of a planning application being submitted. 
Dec 14 2020 Drum submits a revised planning application to the City of Edinburgh Council following consultation feedback showing more than 80% of consultees wanted to see the site developed 
June 2021 The City of Edinburgh Council grants planning consent for Drum’s revised proposals. 

Drum submits new Planning Application for Leith Walk site

Plans for 146 High-Quality Apartments submitted following ‘Well-Received and Positive’ local consultation campaign 

Drum Property Group has submitted a new planning application to the City of Edinburgh Council for the redevelopment of the 2.9-acre Stead’s Place site, near the foot of Leith Walk.

The site has been earmarked for development by the Council since 2008 and consists largely of an aged industrial estate and office space, together with a two-storey sandstone building facing directly on to Leith Walk. 

Drum’s revised proposals will replace the existing industrial units with 146 high-quality apartments as part of an attractive landscaped residential scheme linking to Pilrig Park and beyond.

The sandstone building on Leith Walk will be retained and refurbished and made available for commercial occupation. The new proposal follows a successful six-month consultation programme for the revised plans, including two major online events as well as direct feedback sessions with local groups and residents.

Almost three-quarters of those consulted either supported or were neutral about Drum’s revised plans, with more than 80% saying that the site should now be developed. 

Welcoming the new planning application, Graeme Bone, Group Managing Director of Drum, said: “This new planning application represents a culmination of more than three-and-a-half years of intense planning, consultation and hard work since Drum first purchased the site in 2017. 

“Our proposals will now bring an added dimension to Leith Walk and the wider area, transforming what is currently an inhospitable industrial site by creating an attractive, open and accessible homes-led community for residents and visitors alike. This provides a comfortable living environment, away from the busy Leith Walk and linked through accessible and landscaped walkways and cycle routes to Pilrig Park and the rest of the city. 

“By retaining and refurbishing the red sandstone buildings facing on to Leith Walk, we are also contributing to the wider regeneration of the local area, providing investment to create an attractive and distinctive destination and focal point which is needed now, more than ever. 

“We are pleased that our designs have been well-received by the local community throughout an extensive and positive consultation programme, and now look forward to progressing the application with the City of Edinburgh Council.” 

Drum’s planning application is for 146 high-quality apartments with the majority being build-for-rent and 36 being earmarked for affordable housing in line with Council policy. Building heights have been reduced to four and five storeys following feedback from the consultation process. Significant green space and access routes through the site open up a vibrant and attractive streetscape, linking the two residential buildings with the sandstone building overlooking Leith Walk. The red sandstone building will be refurbished and the individual commercial units and offices will reflect the distinctive and independent feel of the local area. 

Mr Bone added: “Our revised proposals will maintain the red sandstone building whilst incorporating sympathetic design for the residential quarter to the rear of the site, creating a much-improved access linking Leith Walk with Pilrig Park.

“This will continue the traditions of vibrancy and independence which makes Leith Walk such an exciting destination in which to live, work and visit.” 

The new planning submission follows a previous application submitted by Drum to the City of Edinburgh in 2018.  

For more information on the revised proposals, visit 

More fireworks as Drum presents revised proposals for Leith Walk site?

On-line Consultation Launched: 5th to 19th November 

Drum Property Group is launching an online exhibition tomorrow (Thursday (November 5th) presenting updated plans for the redevelopment of the 2.9-acre Stead’s Place site, near the foot of Leith Walk. 

The exhibition is the second online public consultation event that Drum has hosted in support of a Proposal for Application Notice (PAN) submitted to the City of Edinburgh Council. An initial online consultation event was launched in July 2020.  

The interactive exhibition, which will be live on, will allow visitors to view updated proposals for the Stead’s Place site.

Any questions or comments can be emailed to the project’s design team from 12 noon to 8 pm on Thursday 5 November.

A feedback questionnaire can also be completed online and returned by 19 November

The Stead’s Place site has been earmarked for development by the City of Edinburgh Council since 2008 and consists largely of an aged industrial estate and office space, together with a two-storey sandstone building facing directly on to Leith Walk. 

As part of the proposed redevelopment, the sandstone building will be retained and refurbished and made available for a range of commercial uses. The existing industrial units located directly behind Leith Walk are to be demolished and replaced with a new homes-led landscaped development linking to Pilrig Park and beyond. 

Welcoming this latest phase of the Stead’s Place redevelopment, Graeme Bone, Group Managing Director of Drum Property Group, said: “We remain 100% committed to investing in and improving the whole Stead’s Place site, and are looking forward to this next stage of planning consultation. 

“We received positive feedback from our last public consultation in July which has contributed to our revised proposals. This includes retaining and refurbishing the two-storey sandstone building to ensure that, once again, it plays an important role in the future of the Leith Walk community. 

“The rest of the site will be designated to provide much needed local housing. This will open up what is currently an inhospitable industrial site by creating an accessible living environment linked through landscaped walkways and cycle routes to Pilrig Park and the rest of the city.” 

The PAN is submitted in advance of any future planning application and gives an outline intention of the developers plan for the site, prior to a period of public consultation. 

For more information on the Drum PAN for Stead’s Place and the public consultation, visit: 

Leith Walk consultation sessions

The city council are holding a series of public consultation events on the future of a development site at Leith Walk / Halmyre Street. The site area is shown on the plan below although the surrounding area will be considered in the consultations. Continue reading Leith Walk consultation sessions

Leith Walk SAVED!


The Leith community is celebrating news today that the Scottish Government’s Reporter has upheld the city council’s decision to reject Drum Property’s development plans for Leith Walk. It’s a huge victory for people power and in particular Save Leith Walk’s energetic grass roots community campaign. Continue reading Leith Walk SAVED!

Don’t stop the music: Temporary reprieve for Leith Depot

Leith Depot has been given a temporary reprieve as the battle to Save Leith Walk continues.

In a statement on their Facebook page, the popular music venue said: ‘Folks, on the back of a positive meeting with our landlord, we are pleased to say that we have agreed a lease extension until 31st of October.

For the time being, we continue business as usual and we will update you all when we know more.

Due to the circumstances we have nothing booked in our venue; please get in touch for any gig or event dates;

Thank you all for your continued support!


A spokesman for the Save Leith Walk campaign said: “While we welcome news that Leith Depot is being allowed to stay open for a month beyond its current lease, we are disappointed that the landlord didn’t allow the other business, which were successfully trading in the red sandstone building, to remain open too.

“Nevertheless, we hope that today’s announcement is a sign of the developer’s willingness to now work with the community and secure the long-term future of this building so it can continue to be a home for locally-owned, independent shops and businesses.”

The campaigners are looking into the possibility of a community buyout and a public meeting has been organised for 9th October.

Tonight at Leith Depot: Music to Save Leith Walk

In the face of the continuing destruction of local community, we are showcasing some local talent. From political folk to performance poetry and everything in-between, together we stand up to the powers that be and say #opentheshops and #stopthedemolition. In aid of the Save Leith Walk campaign. Free entry.

Doors open 19:30 and featuring:

Duchess Betsy
Suky Goodfellow
Dog On A Swing
Storm The Palace
Gen Electrica
Louis Rive