More aid for Lesbos

Scottish Government grants another £75k to help refugees


The Scottish Government has announced an additional £75,000 grant to support the British Red Cross medical response on the Greek island of Lesbos. The contribution builds on the previous donation of £140,000 made available to the charity by the Scottish Government to provide humanitarian aid. Continue reading More aid for Lesbos

‘Amazing’ public response to refugee appeal


Minister for Europe and International Development Humza Yousaf was in Glasgow yesterday to support volunteers loading an aid lorry with urgent materials and supplies for refugees in the Balkans. The Minister praised Scots’ ‘amazing’ response to  the humanitarian emergency.  

The truck leaves Scotland later this week and will travel 1, 660 miles, bound for Novi Sad in the Balkans, where it will be received by the Red Cross and other NGOs working to aid refugees. It’s estimated materials and supplies will begin arriving at the regional aid hub in as little as 72 hours after departing Glasgow.

16 tonnes of warm winter clothing and ‘Soapaid’ hygiene bars have been kindly donated by the Scottish public to Glasgow The Caring City since the humanitarian crisis began. The soap can combat five of the seven main waterborne diseases.

Mr Yousaf said: “We have been overwhelmed with practical offers of support from people across Scotland who want to help alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people caught up in this humanitarian emergency. Scotland’s response has been amazing so far.

“The work of the refugee task force is well underway. Scotland stands ready to give the very best of Scottish welcomes to the refugees who are fleeing their homes and seeking protection, safety and security but we’re urging the UK Government to do more now and help those in need on mainland Europe.

“The Scottish Government has reiterated its support, making it clear to the UK Government that we will take a proportionate share of the numbers who come to the UK.”

Reverend Neil Galbraith from Glasgow The Caring City said: “Structuring a humanitarian response which meets the needs of people fleeing the most distressing circumstances of violence and conflict, is a skilled and professional tasks. Glasgow the Caring City charity leads from the front at times such as this. We are the conduit between the goodwill of the people of Scotland and those seeking refuge in times of crisis.

“Our people on the ground in Serbia and senior staff in Scotland are coordinating an aid distribution program which links with local statutory agencies, The Red Cross and other NGO’s to ensure that we effectively contribute to a situation which is ever changing in nature and scale with each passing day.

“Glasgow’s charity is matching the goodwill of the Scottish people with the needs of those in their greatest hours of need. Our aid will be sustained and will cover a large geographical area including Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and northern Greece but vitally, it is coordinated by our staff on the ground and highly experienced partner agencies.”

People who wish to donate to the crisis are being asked to raise money so that it can be deployed through charities to reach those most in need.

Members of the public are also being encouraged to visit the Scottish Government’s dedicated website:

A helping hand: MSP Colin joins Muirhouse volunteers

‘I am humbled by the generosity and humanity of the local community in reaching out to help those in need.’ – Colin Keir MSP

Colin Keir MSP with volunteers Josh & Karma

Edinburgh Western MSP Colin Keir joined volunteers at the Muirhouse Community Shop yesterday to help collect and sort donations of clothing for Syrian refugees.

Mr Keir said: “I was overwhelmed by the support for this initiative from the local community in Muirhouse. It shows that Muirhouse cares for the plight of Syrian refugees and as winter approaches these donations will be much appreciated by those in need.

“This is a great partnership between the local community, its community organisations and Edinburgh Direct Aid to provide some comfort to those refugees now living in very difficult conditions in refugee camps. Once again I am humbled by the generosity and humanity of the local community in reaching out to help those in need.”

The initiative was organised by Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse (TRIM), Muirhouse Community Shop, Pilton Youth & Children Project and Spartans. The donations were sorted by the volunteers before delivery to Edinburgh Direct Aid.

Colin Keir MSP with TRIM chair Robert Pearson

An ‘overwhelming, unprecedented response’: councils ready to support refugees

Online information hub will also be created

syria refugees

The majority of Scotland’s local councils have already indicated a willingness to accommodate refugees affected by the current humanitarian crisis, Europe Minister Humza Yousaf said yesterday.

He was was speaking at the close of the first meeting of a new task force set up by the First Minister to coordinate Scotland’s response to the crisis in southern Europe.

The task force also announced the creation of an online hub to signpost members of the public to information about how they can donate or register their willingness to help refugees in other ways.

During an emergency summit convened in Edinburgh on Friday, the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Scotland stands ready to take at least 1,000 new refugees as an immediate priority.

The operational task force brings together Scottish Ministers, the Scottish Refugee Council, the UK Government, local government and key stakeholders to coordinate Scotland’s humanitarian and practical response. Its first meeting yesterday considered issues including housing, health services, language support and social services for refugees.

Speaking after the summit, Mr Yousaf said the task force heard from COSLA that they have had an “overwhelming, unprecedented response” from Local Authorities in making their initial inquires.

The Minister also confirmed the task force is developing an online hub of resources to signpost members of the public to information about how they can donate to the cause, register available accommodation, assist with lessons in English as a second language, assist in befriending services and direct the public to drop off hubs for donated materials.

Humza Yousaf, Minister for Europe and International Development said: “We have repeatedly made clear that Scotland stands ready to play its part and take a fair share of refugees to help some of the most vulnerable people in need.

“Today’s task force considered the immediate, practical actions we can take to help. In the first instance we are working with councils across Scotland to identify capacity to accommodate refugees, and what services we will need to put in place to support families to start a new life in safety in Scotland.

“It is very encouraging to hear that the majority of councils have indicated a willingness to accommodate refugees – we will now build on this positive response and ensure the appropriate support and integration services are put in place.

“We have seen overwhelming support for refugees through social media and other means – and the online resources we are developing will help to signpost people to information about the practical steps they can take to help. We expect this will go live in the coming days.”

The following organisations were represented at yesterday’s summit:

The Scottish Government
UK Government
Scottish Refugee Council
British Red Cross
Glasgow Girls
New Scots
City of Edinburgh Council
Refugee Representative
Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
Police Scotland

Refugee crisis: Britain will act ‘with our head and our heart’

Britain to welcome ‘thousands more’ Syrian refugees


Britain will provide sanctuary to ‘thousands more’ Syrian refugees in response to the worsening humanitarian crisis, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced.

He said the extra refugees would come from UN camps bordering Syria – not from people already in Europe – and  he pledged to work with others to find long-term solutions to the crisis.

Speaking during talks with his Portuguese counterpart Pedro Passos Coelho in Lisbon, Mr Cameron said:

“Turning to migration, this is clearly the biggest challenge facing countries across Europe today. In the first 6 months of this year, more than 220,000 people were detected crossing the Mediterranean to Europe.

“And in July alone, over 100,000 people made this journey, three times higher than the number last year. These people come from different countries and different circumstances.

“We know that many are Syrians fleeing the conflict that has raged across their country, that has killed over 220,000 and has forced more than 11 million people to flee their homes. They now face two enemies at home – Assad and ISIL.

“Britain has a moral responsibility to help refugees as we have done throughout our history. We are already are providing sanctuary and we will continue to do so.

“As the second largest bilateral donor to the crisis, we have provided over £900 million in aid to help those affected in Syria and the region – we have funded shelter, food, water and vital medical supplies for millions of desperate refugees fleeing the conflict and helping them to survive in the countries around Syria, like Jordan and Lebanon.

“No European country has done more than Britain in this regard. Were it not for that massive aid, the numbers making the perilous journey to Europe today would be even higher.

“Now we have already accepted around 5,000 Syrians and have introduced a specific resettlement scheme, alongside those we already have, to help those Syrian refugees particularly at risk.

“As I said earlier this week, we will accept thousands more under these existing schemes and we keep them under review. And given the scale of the crisis and the suffering of the people, today I can announce that we will do more – providing resettlement for thousands more Syrian refugees.

“We will continue with our approach of taking them from the refugee camps. This provides them with a more direct and safe route to the UK, rather than risking the hazardous journey which has tragically cost so many lives.

“We will discuss how best to design these schemes and the numbers we will take with NGOs and our partners. We will set out more details next week.

“Alongside this, Britain will continue to work with partners to tackle the conflict in Syria, to provide support to the region, to go after the smuggling gangs exploiting these people and to save lives at sea. HMS Enterprise remains in the Mediterranean alongside the Border Force cutters and together with HMS Bulwark, they have now rescued more than 6,700 people.

“Britain will act with our head and our heart, providing refuge for those in need while working on long-term solutions to this crisis. As I said earlier in the week, that means bringing to an end to the conflicts that are driving so many to flee, including the bloodbath that has engulfed Syria.”

Exact numbers have yet to be discussed, but charities have been quick to welcome Mr Cameron’s announcement.

Oxfam chief executive Mark Goldring said: “Offering to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees would bring the UK in line with other European countries who have already shown leadership in offering a haven to vulnerable refugees.”

Keir welcomes Scottish stance on refugees

Chisholm condemns Westminster inaction

washed up on beach

SNP MSP Colin Keir has welcomed the launch of the ‘Scotland Supports Refugees’ initiative. The volunteer-led organisation has been set up to raise awareness about the refugee crisis in Europe, campaign for action and raise funds to support humanitarian relief.

Following First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s comments on the refugee crisis at FMQs Colin Keir SNP MSP for Edinburgh Western said: “Daily we see people driven by desperation drowning in the Mediterranean Sea while the UK government remains unwilling to act responsibly and welcome refugees fleeing Syria and other war torn nations.

“I warmly welcome the formation of the ‘Scotland Supporting Refugees’ initiative and support wholeheartedly their aims. It is a gross dereliction of its humanitarian responsibilities to act in the way the UK government currently is.

“I call on Prime Minister David Cameron to recognise that he is increasingly out of step with public opinion and change the UK position now. He should join Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in welcoming refugees.”

Earlier today local MSP Malcolm Chisholm also welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment to support those in desperate need. He said: ” Magnificent leadership from NicolaSturgeon and Kezia Dugdale on refugees at First Minster’s Questions. Shame on David Cameron and the UK Government.”