NHS Lothian has recorded record numbers of staff levels this year with 23,116 employed by the health board – a 15.1% increase over the past five years.
Scotland wide, more than 155,000 staff have been hired, with increases in whole-time equivalent (WTE) staff for ten consecutive years.
Across NHS Lothian there has been a 4.3% increase in the past year in staffing levels and a 15.1 % increase in the past five years.

Edinburgh Pentlands SNP MSP Gordon MacDonald said: “Our staff across NHS Lothian have shown incredible dedication and commitment to our health service in the past two years and beyond. We will never be able to thank them enough for their heroic efforts.
“Under the Scottish Government, staffing levels in the NHS have increased to record levels. The Scottish Government’s long-term investment in the workforce has accelerated since the outset of the pandemic and we are seeing that in reality, with a 15.1% increase over the past five years here in NHS Lothian.
“The SNP also continues to recognise the effort of our staff having offered them the best pay rise in the UK. They also continue to be the best paid health staff compared to their counterparts in the rest of the UK.”