Nine years for Edinburgh sex offender

A man has been sentenced to nine years in prison for serious sexual offences in the Edinburgh area and placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Haydn Edmonds, 37, was sentenced today, Friday, 7 June for a series of crimes, including rape, committed between June 2016 and June 2019.

He was previously found guilty following a trail at the High Court in Edinburgh.

Detective Chief Inspector Adam Brown said: “The investigation revealed Edmonds to be a manipulative and sexually violent individual who poses a significant risk to women. It is due to the courage of those came forward to report his abuse that he has been held to account for his actions.

“I would urge anyone who has suffered sexual violence to come forward and report it to us, regardless of the passage of time. Working alongside our partner agencies, we will support you through the process, investigate thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice.

“Anyone with information or concerns should contact Police Scotland on 101, or you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Edinburgh rapist jailed for seven years

A 43-year-old man has been sentenced to seven years in prison for raping a woman in Edinburgh in August, 2020.

Christopher Pringle was convicted in Edinburgh on Friday, 12 May, 2023 and was sentenced at the High Court yesterday .He has also been placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Detective Chief Inspector George Calder said: “Pringle’s behaviour was despicable, and he will now face the consequences of his actions.

“It is my sincere hope the courage shown in this case will reassure all victims of sexual violence that they can come forward, no matter how much time has passed, and report it to police. Be assured, we will fully investigate, and you will be supported by officers and our partner agencies.

“This case was brought to conclusion by the Divisional Rape Investigation Unit, a specialist unit dedicated to robustly and sensitively investigate cases of this nature, bringing perpetrators to justice and supporting victims and their families.”

Rapist jailed for twelve years

A 39-year-old man who committed rape and various sexual offences in Edinburgh and East Lothian between 2006 and 2017 has been jailed.

Mark Anderson, who was previously convicted on Wednesday, 29 June, 2022, was sentenced to 12 years in prison at the High Court in Stirling yesterday (Tuesday, 26 July, 2022).

His offences were committed at various addresses, including Edinburgh and two towns in East Lothian.

Detective Inspector Kevin Hughes, the senior investigating officer, said: “Mark Anderson is a dangerous man who carried out rapes and sexual assaults over a number of years and will now face the consequences of his actions in jail.

“I want to commend the victims of his attacks for being brave enough to come forward and I hope that his sentencing brings them some kind of closure.

“I also want to acknowledge the work done by detectives and criminal justice partners to bring Anderson to justice.

“We always take reports of sexual crime seriously and deal with them in a professional and sensitive manner while providing support for those involved.”