Public meeting to discuss St Paul’s housing

TRIM has organised a public meeting to discuss the proposed housing development on St Paul’s site on Muirhouse Avenue

St Paul's

As many will be aware TRIM is against the proposed development of Student accommodation at the old St Paul’s Church. TRIM Board has agreed to meet with the developer and architect.

This meeting will be

On Tuesday the 9th February
At 7pm
Within Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Please share this with anyone you feel may wish to attend and we look forward to see you on Tuesday

  • No need to submit apologies if you can’t attend, this is for your information and not an invite as such as this is an open meeting

Please note this meeting is instead of our normal TRIM meeting

Student flat planned development at St Paul


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Victoria Park needs Friends!


Tuesday 8 December at 7.30pm in Trinity Academy

Coffee And Mince Pies!

victoria park

Aim: to set up a Friends Group for Victoria Park

Victoria Park is a fine park – it could be great with an active Friends Group.

Friends Groups
• directly involve the community in park events and changes
• increase access to funding – crucial during Council cuts
• make parks better

There are almost 50 friends of park groups in Edinburgh. Each is dedicated to improving their Park and increasing community involvement.

Come along and help us get a Victoria Park Friends Group off the ground!

Trinity Community Council

Save Stockbridge to hold emergency meeting

DSCF3542Campaign group Save Stockbridge has organised an emergency meeting to discuss the collapse of the wall adjacent to Edinburgh Accies rugby ground on Comely Bank Road.

A Save Stockbridge spokesperson said: “This is a very controversial issue and local people are infuriated at what has happened to the wall and how it has been allowed to collapse.”

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 17 December at 8pm at the LifeCare Centre on Cheyne Street. All welcome.



Bin the Bedroom Tax: public meeting in Muirhouse tonight

Bin the Bedroom Tax!

All welcome to an open meeting to start a local fight-back group in Muirhouse to resist the bedroom tax and the cuts.

7pm Thursday 25 April

Millennium Centre, 7 Muirhouse Medway

We want to create a strong independent local group to:

· stop any evictions for rent arrears due to the cuts : if needbe by defending homes against the sheriff officers

· battle for the complete abolition of the bedroom tax

· fight for all the rent arrears from the bedroom tax to be written off – and for all who have paid the rent increase to be paid back

· support all local people affected in making an appeal against the cut to their Housing Benefit and/or in applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment

· be a way for local people to organise grass-roots resistance: we do not support any political party

· link-up with other groups in North Edinburgh, round the city, Scotland and Britain to co-ordinate our fight-back

· oppose all the cuts – why should we pay for the greed of the rich and for the crisis of their unfair system?

Don’t give up your tenancy – join us to fight back!


More info 0776 3204906 (Virgin)
