Dear Editor,
Summer is well and truly on its way, which means more opportunities to be outside with friends and family and listen to live music.
In all of the fun, we sometimes forget to look after our hearing health and how loud sounds are. A live concert or festival can often reach levels of 110 decibels. Repeated or long exposure to sounds at 85 decibels or above can cause hearing loss so it is important that whilst you are sipping that overpriced beer and singing along to your favourite artist you take care of your ears.
The good news is that there are some easy ways you can still enjoy yourself and keep your hearing protected: Carry earplugs with you and use them, the reusable kind designed for clubbers and musicians don’t muffle sound, just make it a bit quieter and can protect your ears.
Stay away from the speakers – the closer you are, the greater the risk of hearing damage. And take regular breaks from the loudest areas to give your ears a rest. We want everyone to have a great summer – and at the same time keep your hearing healthy for the future.
It is important to check your hearing regularly so join over 250,000 people and take the free, online Hearing Check by visiting rnid.org.uk
Crystal Rolfe
Associate Director for Health at RNID