“Vaccinations are undoubtedly the route out of this. But vaccine passports are not.”

Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has spoken out against Scottish Government proposals to introduce a vaccine certificate in Scotland.
The Edinburgh Western MSP said: “Next week the Scottish Parliament will vote on SNP/Green proposals to introduce vaccine certification in Scotland.
“For the first time, Scottish People will have to share private medical data with strangers in order to access venues and services.
“These are COVID ID cards in all but name and the Scottish Liberal Democrats are leading the opposition to their introduction.
“Our hospitality and events businesses see COVID ID cards as a threat to their recovery.

“COVID ID cards will not stop the spread of the virus, reduce case numbers or make up for the week-long delays in contact tracing. There are no time limits on their use and the door will be left open to expand their use in the future.
“Vaccines are our way out of the pandemic and I urge everyone who can receive a vaccine to get one. But COVID ID cards are illiberal and dangerous precedent and are not part of the answer.”